Alison dear;
WHat is there to do? To organize?? You need to muster energy FOR WHAT?? I pray you aren't talking about end-stage organizing and doing. I pray you won't do anything that will put me (and the others here) into deep mourning and grief. I am sending you via thought-mail all the energy I can muster - POSITIVE energy, that is. You will know I've sent it cause you will FEEL IT IN YOUR SOUL.
Over the last year or so I've come to know you and love you without having to see or know you in the flesh. Geography and location and distance have nothing to do with my love for you. It's a love for a dear friend and distance cannot detract or subtract from such love and devotion. Please, I beg you, PLEASE don't harm yourself in any way. I'm begging you on figuratively bended knee (as my kneecaps won't tolerate literal bending - I wouldn't be able to get back up:rolleyes: ), begging you not to leave me/us. I don't know if I could withstand such a loss, such a gaping hole in the universe - my universe.:sad:
I can understand all too well such feelings of despair and hopelessness as you are having now. I feel like that often, BUT I pull myself out of it, or my friends here on this site or my friends in my actual neighborhood pull me out of it, so I'm pulling you out of it. TAKE MY HAND, DAMN IT!! TAKE MY HAND AND DON'T LET GO!!! I will keep you alive - it's my mission and my devotion to you. I won't give up on you and I won't leave you. please please don't let go of me! Please? I'm begging you...
love love love,
PS; besides, if you remember, we have a date to meet under the shady boughs of comfort's retreat...:smile: I printed that out and it's in my notebook. Please don't make me read it and weep over it. We will meet there, on this earth, in this life. Can I bring you over here for an extended visit? I'd be glad to do so.:smile: I have room in my home and my daughters and critters and I would love to have you stay as long as you like. I'll pay the fare if you can't. I'll do whatever it takes! Please don't give up on yourself or on me. I love you, Alison dear!!!!!:smile: :smile: :smile: