I dont know.. things are hard

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This is going to sounds stupid but man I have been feeling over the edge this few weeks. Work has been killing me and on top of no friends and no life I dont see the point cant provide for my family. Cant even communicate now how lost I feel to the world. Just sounds stupid. I wont be missed. Who would miss some idiot who cant even say what he feels? not only have I lost hope but ive become a bitter hateful person to. Rich people shit me off. Not because their rich, but the attitudes of superiority. Its driving me nuts. I hate people that think they are better because they game the system. These arent even hard workers justpathetic investor types who think they are god. Fuck them. They will see my death as a victory anyway
Just to add something I think ive noticed. I think im losing my mind. Not in a silly metaphoric way but actually starting to not make any rational sense to anyone but me. All I have to go on are the jokes I try to crack about what seem to be pretty lame but obvious things and people look confused. Then I have to explain it and only then realise im refereencing some obscure moment in my life or some odd old movie that of course they wont get.
Ive been in a lot of forum arguments lately too (not here). I think im presenting clear rational thoughts and everyone acts like im a lunatic. I just adsume they are idiots but im thinking maybe they are right. My thoughts are all over the head. And im scared I wont make any sense to anyone soon. My work performance has plummetted. What if im one of those crazies that is on disability shouting at the sky? Im scared. For real. I mean no offence at anything in this post. I feel lost


Well-Known Member

You may feel lost but I'm glad you found the courage to post here. Work can be stressful particularly when we're overwhelmed with the workload. However, people have overcome this. Would it be possible to speak with your Manager or colleague to see if this stress can be alleviated? I'm not sure of the cause of your work problems but I know the reaction of your work peers may be one of wanting to help.

Rich people can also make others feel worthless but the value you place on yourself is what is important. Yes, it can be frustrating watching others abuse their power but I hope you see that you're not powerless in this either. You have the power to change the world as we all do and my advice is to try and change the world, don't let the world change you.

I know you're afraid but what you've explained doesn't seem irrational to me at all. As for people who don't laugh at your jokes, maybe the joke is on them for not having a sense of humour. Please try and stay strong. You've got a family who you do provide for with love, care and finances. I hope you keep this in mind and remember what you have and forget what you don't have. Take care and try to stay strong. Husky.


Well-Known Member
Hi, It's my pleasure and thank you for your response. I hope you're feeling better. I know where you're coming from with some days being better than others. I hope today is one of those better days for you. Take care of yourself and keep trying to stay strong. Husky
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