I Dont

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Want to feel like this.
i want to be happy and smile and mean it.

im not suicidal because i want to be.
i dont get a kick out of being sad all the time.
i do want things to get better.
and im trying to help them get better
but these things take time right?

please be paient with me.

im going to make mistakes.
im going to mess up
im going to have ups
and im going to have downs.

But Please dont think im not trying.


Well-Known Member
That sounds a lot like me too. I worry that people won't be patient with me as well, but on the bright side those who are close to you will be there for you, right? And it is difficult for most to understand that we're trying and fighting through pain, just because it's not visible. But there are people who can relate, and for that we may be thankful.

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
I think you are very strong you come here and support others even when your in pain. we know you are trying and understand totally


Staff Alumni
It does take time and a great deal of hard work. It may not be work in the physical sense, but emotional work is far more difficult. Make sure you are aware of your progress. Sometimes what we see as very little can actually be something quite huge in the step towards healing. :hug:
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