I feel like shit right now

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Well-Known Member
This whole day's just been bleh :/ And the one person I want to talk to, isn't there for me anymore since I pushed them away


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you are feeling so shitty. :( There are people here willing to listen so I hope you can get whaetever it is you are dealing with off your chest here.


Well-Known Member
Basically, I've got a name around town because I had sex with the local tattooist once willingly, the last two times he got me stoned (pretty sure it was laced since it hit way too fast) and fucked me, at one point I was on top and was trying to get off and he held me down by my hips and kept saying I couldn't get off because he was comfy. He's going around now saying all this negative shit about me because I found two used condom wrappers in his room that weren't there before (this was before the two stoned times) which he tried passing off as when he had a girlfriend, which I didn't believe, so he told me the next day we should be "professional acquaintances" which then turned into me being evil somehow. I bitched at his face in the store, which got me verbally trespassed.
But that wasn't enough apparently. He's still saying shit about me, when I've just dropped it

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