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I feel perpetually rejected


Well-Known Member
So many people rejected me and disliked me for no reason.

A girl that just blocked ne for no reason while I barely talked to her. Some random dude that just hated me in school.

I wish I could just slap the face of those people because they made me feel so much worse and they don't even gave an explanation

I feel like even if someone likes me, I have this feeling that I'm constantly getting scraps from other people attention.

Some people have fans, people who loves you even if you don't do anything.

For me it always feels like people hates me and I have to force myself to being liked.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry it's been like that.

Do you feel like if you had at least one person that really accepted you, you wouldn't feel so bad?
Probably not.

I have always this sense of dread when I approach new people. It is like I have a reflex reaction against most people.
I guess if you've had negative experiences with new people, it may be an automatic reaction to feel ill at ease or negative about them, though that in turn undermines your chances of establishing a good connection with them.

I hope you get a chance to feel accepted by at least one person. Maybe it would help more than you think.

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