-instead of being concerned why others are not interested in you (apparently because of your looks), try to be interested in others. this week, try to be interested, and not interesting. go somewhere in an old folk's home and volunteer to help an aging lonely grandma. just this week. the universe gives you back what you give it. you only reap where you sow. i promise you things will change once you take the focus off of yourself.
help a blind person this week. go visit someone in the hospital whose face was burned or had an accident and now really looks 'very very ugly' as a result. try to put yourself in his shoes and really emphathise with them. if you are worried you'll never get a partner in your life, look through your public records and find a recently divorced wife; listen to her and help uplift her burden. i promise you will get what you give. just dont' focus on 'ME'.
slowly but surely, you will recognize how insignificant your problems were. I know this might seem as taking advantage of other's negative situations to feel good about yourself, but the thing is that 'they need you'. atleast this is the first step in realizing that we are here for a bigger purpose than having a wrinkle free face. this is the first step to eliminate our undetected selfish tendancies.
last but not least, what you believe is what you will get. unfortunately this principle works on the negative as much as it does on the positive. NEVER tell yourself you will NEVER get a partner EVER again. unless this is what you want.
1. you get what you belief.
2. you believe for a positive outcome, you get your positive result (never giveup ofcourse)
3. you believe for a negative outcome (this is what is called 'doubting'), you get your negative outcome (if you never give up on the doubting)
Our subconcious mind is very weird. trust me. you make it believe that you will end up lonely and it will give you exactly that. it will put you in situations and you will react in ways that will make you needy, insecure e.t.c and this will be picked up by the people you interract with then they will avoid you. whenever you find yourself afraid, the trick is to think about others, not yourself.
look to be a friend, not to get friends - this small step go along way in overcoming the doubt in yourself. by the way you have alot to give if you are a teacher.
'we start living when we can live outside of ourselves' - Albert Einstein.
'...we exist for others, in whose wellbeing, OUR HAPPINESS depends' -einstein.
please don't believe my words, just try these things out for yourself.