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I Fucking Hate Men

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Senior Member
I Am Thru With Them All.
They All Lie, Cheat, Let Me Down And Screw With My Head.
Hows This For A Laugh About What Jay Said To Me.
"i Don't Want You To Phone Me"
Then Ten Minutes Later
"i Want You To Phone Me If U Cut Yourself"
"you're Not Going To Cut Yourself Are You?"
Too Late Is All I Can Fucking Say.
Well I'm Thru With Having My Heart Broken.
I'm Going Shopping On Saturday.
I Fucking Hate All Men, They Are Useless Lying Pigs.
They Can All Go To Hell.


Sorry to hear you are having or had relationship difficulties. Hopefully the shopping adventure will let out some stress and be fun for you. Good luck and have fun with the shopping.


Staff Alumni
I Am Thru With Them All.
They All Lie, Cheat, Let Me Down And Screw With My Head.
Hows This For A Laugh About What Jay Said To Me.
"i Don't Want You To Phone Me"
Then Ten Minutes Later
"i Want You To Phone Me If U Cut Yourself"
"you're Not Going To Cut Yourself Are You?"
Too Late Is All I Can Fucking Say.
Well I'm Thru With Having My Heart Broken.
I'm Going Shopping On Saturday.
I Fucking Hate All Men, They Are Useless Lying Pigs.
They Can All Go To Hell.

There are some good guys around believe it or not, but ya there are far too many assholes that give the whole breed a bad name :sad:

This guy sounds like he feels it would be too inconvenient for him to help you..OR lets give him the benefit of the doubt and say his afraid he will make the situation worse...you know that could easily be the case.
Hey Spikey :smile:

Some men can be complete twats :mad: but not all are like that :smile: You will find the right person for you, your still young and have the rest of your life to find that special person :smile:

vikki x
Hey sweetie, I am sorry you always end up with arses......:diepig: :jason:

You know where I am i you need me, remember not all people are mean, just a big chunk of people are :dry:

Take Care and have fun shopping shop enough for both of us, maybe it'll make me ferl better :wink:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

I loves ya!



Senior Member
Well I'm glad to say Jay and I have made up now..... we had a loooong talk.
I was very pissed off cause he cancelled on me when I was supposed to stay with him for a week.
But we're okay now.
And I'm still going shopping.
And buying pink glittery shoes.
Well I'm glad to say Jay and I have made up now..... we had a loooong talk.
I was very pissed off cause he cancelled on me when I was supposed to stay with him for a week.
But we're okay now.
And I'm still going shopping.
And buying pink glittery shoes.
Oh, the shoes sound cool...heheh :laugh: :tongue:

(Glad everythinhgs ok now)




SF Friend
Staff Alumni
Spikey, I'm sorry you're having a bad time with men lately. There are always a few bad apples in every bunch, but that doesn't mean the whole barrel is bad. I've had bad luck in several of my male partners but it could have something to do with my judgement as well. I dismiss and distrust the men who screwed me over, but not the rest of them - every dog gets one bite, ya know, and there are more good people - male and female - than bad ones, it's just the bad ones make more noise and get more attention.

Don't give up hope. Not all men are jerks, only a few, most are good people - I truly believe that.



PS; what does "erm" stand for??
Spikey, I'm sorry you're having a bad time with men lately. There are always a few bad apples in every bunch, but that doesn't mean the whole barrel is bad. I've had bad luck in several of my male partners but it could have something to do with my judgement as well. I dismiss and distrust the men who screwed me over, but not the rest of them - every dog gets one bite, ya know, and there are more good people - male and female - than bad ones, it's just the bad ones make more noise and get more attention.

Don't give up hope. Not all men are jerks, only a few, most are good people - I truly believe that.



PS; what does "erm" stand for??
I agree totally with you Least, and I think "erm" is an englidh thing like we say "ummmm" or "ahh" :laugh: :biggrin: :hug:
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