I had this big long post..

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Well-Known Member
...but I kept erasing whatever I wrote.

..it's mostly posted in the "relationship" forum..but it's triggered me beyond belief. I was okay for most of the week, but now I'm not. The millions of questions that were cycling through my head have reached a boiling point.

I hate her. I try and hate him. But most of all, I hate myself.

Some idiot I was talking to online told me to "drop the baggage". Yeah, nice idea in theory, but I've been through a lot of crap...and it hasn't been that long. I feel like the shell that the baggage has given me is my only protection.

At what point do you become too messed up?


Well-Known Member
Hey Jenn :hug:

I know what you're feeling right now must really suck, but you need to believe that what happened probably happened for the best. You'll find the right guy eventually, it just hasn't happened yet.

Stay strong :hug:
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