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I hate myself.

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"Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping"

-Kurt Cobain-

What can you do when your mind is your greatest burden?

I am not ok.

I just wanna quit life, curl up in a ball, and die.




i wish i could say somthing inspirational to make you feel better but i am feeling very similar. so daisies for both of us.
i love you fender.


The biggest loser ever to live.
Yeah, same here, wish I had something to say to cheer you up but I'm in the exact same boat. Least you ain't alone though right?


Staff Alumni
:hug: Fender, row, rahul. I hate to think of losing any of you. Please don't give up. Continue to push forward and find the way to keep going on. I am pulling for each of you. Please PM me if you need to talk. Take care :grouphug:


I'd miss you all! :cry:
Where would i be without SuicideForum and the people on it?
Either even more destroyed body and failing in some of my organs, or dead.
:hug:'s to fender, roe and rahul. And GL too :hug:

I hope you all keep fighting, i hate myself too, but id hate the thought of loosing anyone on this site, especially those who i really do care for so much.

Much love and hugs,
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey hun :hug: fellow MAer

Just wanted to say I saw your post and I'm sorry you feel so bad right now :sad: If ther's anything I can do to help... listen, talk.. anything, just let me know. I'm more than willing to help in anyway possible. Can always pm me

and plenty of :hug: :cheekkiss: if you want em

Go sox.. even though they lost last night :dry:

Take care
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