but yet here i am, feeling like a freak-of-nature-psycho-path. while everyone elso i know is normal.
Im only 19, sooooooooooooooo much more torment to go in my life, before its up. Ill never be married, never have a girlfriend, never get any respect from anyone.
i wonder, what i MUST have done to have to endure such a poor quality of life. I actually sit here and read some other persons dilema and laugh at how meager their problems are : someone molested you when you were young? I WISH that was my problem.
My depression stems from my disability (legally blind) and its not like i grew up in a good supportive household, my parents were idiot backwards maroons from the third world who view me as curse on them. they act like they love me, but when something goes wrong, or i disapoint them in some way, their true colors come shining thru, they begain to ask god what they have done to deserve such horrible kids, and they start to compare me to other parents kids who are normal (failing to realise that their kid is fucking blind practically.)
sometimes, when i think of killing my self, i feel so conforted by the thought, but if i did kill myself, i am worried what everyone will think. my parents, who are from the third world (where honor and all that bullshit "let your nuts hang in pride" takes place), will be so embarrassed infront of everyone back home. their first born son: a coward.
Im only 19, sooooooooooooooo much more torment to go in my life, before its up. Ill never be married, never have a girlfriend, never get any respect from anyone.
i wonder, what i MUST have done to have to endure such a poor quality of life. I actually sit here and read some other persons dilema and laugh at how meager their problems are : someone molested you when you were young? I WISH that was my problem.
My depression stems from my disability (legally blind) and its not like i grew up in a good supportive household, my parents were idiot backwards maroons from the third world who view me as curse on them. they act like they love me, but when something goes wrong, or i disapoint them in some way, their true colors come shining thru, they begain to ask god what they have done to deserve such horrible kids, and they start to compare me to other parents kids who are normal (failing to realise that their kid is fucking blind practically.)
sometimes, when i think of killing my self, i feel so conforted by the thought, but if i did kill myself, i am worried what everyone will think. my parents, who are from the third world (where honor and all that bullshit "let your nuts hang in pride" takes place), will be so embarrassed infront of everyone back home. their first born son: a coward.