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I joined awhile back when i was suicidal....

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But never really introduced myself. Im Wendy from N.E. Texas. Nice to meet everyone and thank you to the ones who helped me feel just a bit better when i was so down. (im up and down day to day its nuts)

Blessings to you all!!!
:welcome: to the Forum, Wendy, even if it is a bit late! :biggrin:
I hope you continue to find friendship and support here :)
Take care, and if you need anything, feel free to PM :)



SF Friend
Staff Alumni
Welcome to the forum Wendy.:smile: We're a good lot here and will support and listen to you when you feel low and unable to stand on your own. I hope you will come here as often as you feel the need and that you will find some measure of peace in your life.




Staff Alumni

I'm up and down all the time too. :blink: Depression .. ::sigh::

Your not nuts... or maybe I'm nuts too, in which case were both nuts. Or, because we form a group perhaps we have established a new mode of normal. LOL

Welcome to the forum. I am glad you posted an intro so we could greet you with open arms. I too have many ups and downs. As Luliby said, its that wonderful thing called depression. I think her idea of a new group of normals is a great idea. Where do I sign up? Take care hun. We are here for you should you need us to be. :hug:
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