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I lied about being sick to get out of work today


Well-Known Member
I feel bad about it but all I wanted to do all day was sleep and I’m 100% unmotivated to do anything. I feel so overwhelmed with sadness that I can’t even begin to cry even though I know I need to. I’m so frustrated.

I feel bad for calling out because I never do but I also know I need to take care of myself first.

I can’t do my job if I don’t feel well.

absured angel

Well-Known Member
I've done this as well. There are days when I'm just not feeling it and it's ok. We need to make sure we take care of our mental health


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I feel bad about it but all I wanted to do all day was sleep and I’m 100% unmotivated to do anything. I feel so overwhelmed with sadness that I can’t even begin to cry even though I know I need to. I’m so frustrated.

I feel bad for calling out because I never do but I also know I need to take care of myself first.

I can’t do my job if I don’t feel well.
I hope you feel better or can get some rest.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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*hug Sorry to hear you are feeling so low, put on a guided meditation on youtube and just listen and relax, i hope you feel better i the morning and if not, sf is here for you.


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Been there, done that... More than once.
Feel better soon. Sometimes you just need a day off.
I've done that too. athe guilt is real afterwards but if we really think about it mental health is a large part of our overall health and therefore is a valid reason to use a sick day.

Us sadies have been asking for all the normies to remove stigma around mental health and yet my ego still has trouble accepting it,, we have to grant ourselves the love and understanding that we need first and not feel guilt for using a sick day completely legitimately.


🎸🎶Metal Star🎵🥁
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Taking a day off sometimes isn't bad. I think everyone has done it. Mental health is as important as physical health. Take care of yourself, sweetheart.

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