I really need help. I want to die so bad. I am considering buying a gun. In the state I live in, they just have to do a quick criminal background check--can take 5 minutes to 24 hours. I am in pain. I have been fighting this depression for a long time, but I just feel like I can barely stand to go on for another minute. I know everyone here is hurting, so I don't know if anyone can even help me. I saw my therapist yesterday, she totally ripped me apart. I left feeling worse than ever. I had gone over 3 months without cutting, but finally, last night at about 3am I gave in and did it again. I feel like a piece of crap. I'm doing what I'm supposed to be--going to counseling, taking my meds, but I still feel so horrible. My therapist basically told me that I was wicked and needed to repent for my bad attitude. It was about the last thing I needed to hear. Yes, I'm Christian and I believe in repentance, but I'm feeling pretty far from God right now. I allready know that I suck, I don't need anyone to remind me. I'm sinking in quick sand, and I'm sticking my hand out one last time--hoping and praying that someone can reach out to me. I feel so alone. If I'm as bad as my therapist says, then I can't see any reason to keep on trying. Apparently, I'm a burden on my family, my husband, my kids, my church, my therapist, and probably to anyone who has to read this miserable post. I'm not sure I can justify the space I take up on this planet. The only reason I've held on this long is for my husband and kids, but if I am the horrible person my therpist says, then they would be better off without me. I want help, but I don't know where to turn. My therapist doesn't understand me at all. Everything I say she dismisses as a "cognitive distortion". My psychiatrist, well, he's a typical doctor. Ten minutes and a prescription pad. Either that or the hospital, and I don't want to be in the hospital. They'll just drug me to oblivion and ignore me (speaking from experience). What do I do? Where do I turn? Should I just finally give up? If anyone feels strong today, can you please give me some direction?:blub: