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i slept!!!!

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Staff Alumni
some people here know my sleep's been terrible recently, i was up all night and then couldnt help falling asleep in the day, it made me miss meetings and appointments and was getting me really down

but yesterday after no sleep i managed (with the help of exercise and a litre and a half of coke) to stay awake all day and finally slept at night :biggrin: i got 9hrs altoghter, altho i did wake up part way through i mangaed to get back to sleep after a while

over all i feel very well rested today and far better than i have all week :smile:



Well-Known Member
Hi bunny - Good one, Im not so sure a litre and a half of coke is healthy:laugh: but I guess the ends justify the means:wink:

I know how frustating it can be to have your sleep pattern disrupted. The day when you have to stay awake is the worst, zombying around the world looking like death warmed up:insomnia: scaring everyone, everyone asking you if your alright when all you want to do is throw hot coffee on them for making you have to think up an answer.

welldone chick


Staff Alumni
Im not so sure a litre and a half of coke is healthy:laugh: but I guess the ends justify the means:wink:
well....it was diet coke :angel: oh look my tooth just fell out :laugh: j/k :laugh:

i would have gone with tea or coffee for my caffine hit but i hate both so would have felt worse :rolleyes: so coke was the best i could get, altho apples are meant to be good at keeping you awake....wish id thought of that then!

can you tell im in a good mood today from all the rambling? :rofl:


SF & Antiquitie's Friend
Staff Alumni
Thats great, I'm delighted you managed to get a nights sleep :sleep:
Hope you can :sleep: again tonight!

:cheekkiss Hazel xx


Well-Known Member
dog walking, coke binges & treadmills, Id say you've found your formula for good living :laugh: good to see you rambling:tongue:
I am so happy you finally got some good rest. It's good to know, I was kinda worried when I found out you were having that trouble, but I am over-joyeed now, I hope it keeps up and may you have many many great nights of rest, take care sweetie. :hug: :hug: :hug:

:sleep: :sleep:
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