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I think I have clinical depression

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Well-Known Member
School has recently started up in our area, and the pressure has already had its noticable effects. My entire family is taking it out on each other. I feel like school is just going to be another stress bringing machine. I've felt so irritable lately... the only time I feel at peace within myself is when I think about cutting or killing myself. I took a few tests about clinical depression, and most I tested positive for mild to severe depression. If I have clinical depression, I don't want to take any fucking meds. The last thing I need is a pill addiction or someone in my school to find out I take "meds." Quitting self-injury has also been really hard as well. I'm thinking of seeking out a professional health counsler to see if I really have clinical depression. I'm only 13, so how should I go about all this?


The biggest loser ever to live.
Where did you take these tests? Online? I should probably take them, I'm betting I have clinical depression as well. Can you please tell me where you found these tests?

Well, I think its safe to say that most 13 year olds don't have clinical depression but you most certainly aren't the only one your age to have it, so you shouldn't feel like the only one, even though it feels that way all the time, at least it does for me, I always feel like the only depressed student at my college campus, where all the other 29,999 students are bubbly smiling happy packets of sunshine and all that crap.
you can get help with depression with out meds, im currently seeing a psychiatrist to be assesed then my doctor will decide wether meds, talking therapy or a combination of both will be best for me. i think its great that your willing to seek professional help, to go about it try going to your doctors and telling them your thoughts, or try researching if their are any counsilling places in your area which will be able to help. good luck with this, and let us know how you get on :biggrin:

take care

vikki x


Well-Known Member
Actually, I'm not seeking either. I just want to see if I have it, if all. I don't want counseling or meds. I don't want a "shrink." I've just always hated the idea of that.
i too took the online test's many times and it said i had moderate - severe depression and when i went to my docotor he said i did have severe depression, i think you should go to the doctors or something. indeed i hated the thought of meds or counsilling but as you accept that you have depression you realise that it is the best form of help you can get. depression is an chemical im balance of the brain, and is an illness just as asthma is and with the correct help it can be treated. if you did clarify that you did have depression it wont just go away it will continue to get worse, this is why i strongly suggest talking to a counseller or something.

take care

vikki x
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