I took my first pill today...

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Active Member
for depression. I had class in the afternoon and got extremely stressed/depressed over the amount of work. I didnt understand anything and felt lost as the teacher taught the class. I wanted to drop but my parents force me to study something I dont even want to do in the future. I dont have any interests, hobbies or anything that appease and no one can help me. I have no purpose in society honestly. Then I went home and found out that basically my whole semester is wasted because I have the wrong classes and I cant change them due to the deadline. Life sucks big time! I wasted my money and time. my advisor didnt even help me, she just shoved a bunch a papers to me and said 'come back next time'. This upsets me, Im basically given the round about and Im going nowhere in life. I dont know what to do right now. I wish I could drop out but I cant. Im forced to put up with this crap.

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
I have just started on meds and it is helping i hope your does too it takes the overwhelming feeling away let us know okay if it helps
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