I think I know how you feel...nobody wants to listen to you, right? So hard to get them to listen.
That's sorta the way it's with me. Everyone wants to hear what they want to hear, and distort what I say so that it would make sense to them. This is what happened eight grade:
Like: Mom, I cut myself because it make's me feel better, in some weird way. I can feel everything that was bottled up coming out of the cuts, the pain relieves me, but I'm not a masochist, this is the only way I can cope.
Her: Tell that to your counselor. (not really listening)
Counselor (to mom): This is just a minor phase your child is going through, it'll be over soon with some treatment.
Me: NO, it's not just a "minor phase." I've always felt this way! It's not just gonna go away like that!
Mom: Be quiet and listen to your counselor!
Now, in 11th grade:
Me: Counselor-free, but nothing's changed. I still feel a bit crappy. Actually, I don't feel much anymore. No pain, happiness, nada. (And it's better this way for me.)
At times I can feel something keenly, enough to want to die, but those feelings are kind of rare now. Now, I'm just living because I have to, because I don't want to face what comes afterwards. Basically I don't feel shit anymore, I just don't care or give a crap. I hope you're not in that stage yet..If you're not, then before you do, get help, pronto! It's better when you're still able to feel something, if even hurt, then nothing at all.