• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.

I tryed a week ago

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Well-Known Member
I tryed to end it all last week, as always I didnt suceed people stuck their noses in yet again. I hate them for making me live I hate this life and want out. Next time I will make sure im not found.
amylou, The reason people stick their noses in is because they care enough about you to get involved. That should tell you how valued you are. Please do whatever it takes for you to remain safe. Talk to us here and let us help you. We can offer you support in all kinds of situaions. Also, if you are not currently under medical help, consider that as well. You are too valuable to throw your life away. Hang in there. We care. :hug:


Senior Member

Please don't leave us. Everyone around you clearly wants to help.

You might not be able to see it now, but you are needed.
You are wanted.
You have more time.

Stay here and chat. I'm sure you'll find that you'll be able to make a huge change.

Stay safe!!


Well-Known Member
I am in a pysciatric hospital but they say there is nothing rong with me and that if i do it again its my choice.

I onlywanthelp Idont want there critisism or what ever they want to give me I only want help to possibly find a way to stay.

Im not considered a danger to myself but I think I am .


Your not in a psych hospital because they would never let you have access to a computer. I been in 14 such hospitals so trust me I know.

So tell us about yourself? Why are you in so much pain? Why do you hurt so bad you want to die? Let people here help you. They are good people and they care.
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