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I wish I had someone to love

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Staff Alumni
Just to let you know my ex and my current fiance have not been as tall as i am. Im only 5'7 but ive never cared about height. What matters a lot more is that a guy is nice and polite with us woman. Try to take care of yourself and dont binge eat cuz once youve reached a certain age your belly is going to bother you. Dont worry about getting a girlfriend, it will happen. Sending caring thoughts, Beret
Dear nothing, I'm new here, but I can tell you that sometimes having someone to care about can cause suicidal thoughts as well. My soulmate and wife of seven years recently told me that she wanted to be alone and then told me she was cheating on me via an email. I have been having suicidal thoughts ever since, but today is a reasonably good day. So on to you: People always think that if they had the perfect gf or bf that there life will be complete. Trust me it won't. Although having a companion can be rewarding and make your life seem complete, if you can't learn to accept yourself and be happy with who you are, you are never going to be completely happy with someone else. How is anyone going to be love you if you can't love yourself. If there are things you don't like about yourself, improve them. Exercise and eat right. Find something that makes you happy and do that. Don't wait for someone to make you feel happy. My life is complete shit right now, but I have things in my life that get me through. Get a pet. I have 12 cats, two dogs, a lizard a snake and two scorpions. Taking care of all the critters distracts me from my depression if only for a little while. Try paintball or some other physical activity. The great thing about paintball is it doesn't matter how short or tall you are, the paintballs don't discriminate. If I didn't have these activities in my life, I would have probably already killed myself. My point is find something that you care about, something that makes you happy. And what usually happens is when you aren't looking for someone, then you find someone that you connect with. Keep your chin up and quit trying so hard, it can be counter productive.


Antiquitie's Friend
You wish you had someone to love? It sounds odd but I often wish I could be lonely. I've lived on my own for too long I guess and for most of the time I can't feel lonely but then I can't feel loved, I can't feel happy, I can't feel sad, I don't laugh, I don't cry, I simply am, like a tree or a snail simply is. (actually I think I may feel sad now, though I'm not really sure, odd eh?)

There was a time when I wasn't like this I kinda have a vague memory of feeling lonely, but it seems such a long time ago. I kind of think if I met someone I might start feeling these emotions again, I might start feeling alive again. I'm not really sure I want to though. The times I do feel emotions are moments I could do without.

There is no sorrow without joy, no pain without pleasure. But are we better off with all of these or none of these?
Absolutely disagree. Some may be, but not everyone. I have proof of that. As a matter of fact, I have been a "bitch" to a great girl in the past and now wish I hadn't, as I'm now paying the price for it.

You may choose to not get as emotionally involved to protect yourself from possible future heartache, but then you never experience true love, and that's something you should not deny yourself. I too have been very emotionally hurt because of lost love, but I knew I'd get over it because I did not have her before I met her, and knew I could exist without her. Now, that I'm over her, I prefer to have the memory rather than never having met her at all.
This is a simple thing.

I was a guy with 21 years old. Never had a girlfriend (and so i was always been depressed). Not because I am ugly or something. I think after all that I am cute guy. I don't have the best nose, or big body, but I'm cute after all. Maybe because I am a little bit anti-social computer geek.

When I found someone, first month it was great. It was summer, we kissed all day, always together, have sex, etc...
In the forth month (next 15th), she only exists to bring me down. I cry almost everyday. She does not kiss me, she rarely touch me like before.
I have projects to do in my university and I don't feel motivated. I supposed to finish my computer science course this year, but I don't think I can. I'm a bit away from my best friends, because I wanted to give all love in the world.

I was MUCH, but really MUCH happier than I am today. Now I am a stupid guy in this freaking forum talking to you.

Women shall make you suffer as much as love you give to them. So the advice I give to you is...
Don't love too much, or you will suffer much more, and never give up from your friends. They are who really matters.
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Coming back to this thread..the more I think about it..the worse it gets. I dont act desperate I know that...I dont do anything at all..thats my problem.

I dont appear to be interested, so nobody ever knows. Now I dont go anywhere so its even less likely. TRAPPED!

But the thought of finding a girl, loving her, taking care of her, holding her, and making love to her.

I know thats what I need.
Coming back to this thread..the more I think about it..the worse it gets. I dont act desperate I know that...I dont do anything at all..thats my problem.

I dont appear to be interested, so nobody ever knows. Now I dont go anywhere so its even less likely. TRAPPED!

But the thought of finding a girl, loving her, taking care of her, holding her, and making love to her.

I know thats what I need.
That was all I wanted too. A reason to live... :sad:
At 17 I was(I'm still) socially inept, no self esteem.
And I meet the love of my life at that age, A man 20 years older than myself that's now my husband, father of my 3 children.

Call me crazy but I watch him for over 3 weeks, and in the end he end up talking to me. We meet in a very crazy way. I'm Cuban and he was in La Haban (where I was born), he found the country interesting he said, I lived in the poorest areas in the city, and I thought "How is a white rich European man is even going to look once to a brunette, poor Cuban woman like me?(That the way i thought at the time), I found out I was very wrong, and we just fell in love with eachother,and it was a very dangerous relationship I was 17 at the time and he was 37. He stayed in the country just becuase of me(It was hell to get out of the country) we couldn't get married, he bought a house. I got pregnant in January of 2000, giver birht to our first child in September(I was 19) and we married in October and we finally moved to Iceland(from where my husband is from) and then we moved to Australia we lived there for one year and now we are here in Finland.

But I understand you,I felt so sad, becuase I was always by myself (I have my mother of course) but it's not the same, I saw all my sibling falling in love and getting married and it hurt so much, I was depressed, I tried to kill myself, I thought I was useless in this life. I really understand how you fell now, but sooner or later you'll find that very special person. Actually my husband was cheated 2 times before meeting me, and he was single for 2 years(something that I couldn't believe).


Well-Known Member
I am 21 and in the same boat. I want to love someone and yet not one girl will give me the time of day. It hurts seeing all these happy couples and the holidays doesn't make it any better. Is there anyone out there for me? I am beginning to doubt it.


I am noticing how difficult it is for me to even leave my home. Just seeing a happy couple walk by in a parking lot somewhere is triggering to me.


Well-Known Member
i too agree... i'm only 13 but i'm 5'7'' and 159 pounds. im kinda heavy but I am pretty athletic. trust me, girls notice the little things that you do. I hope it works out for you.


Well-Known Member
The only positive thing I can think of is that I can make people laugh, and I think I have a good personality (although you wouldn't think so after reading this :tongue: ) I am intelligent. I think I am a good person. Unfortunately, none of these things matter when you are like me.
Being able to make someone laugh is a wonderful quality to have. And I can tell from reading your post that you're very intelligent. Those are the two things I've always thought were most attractive in a man. Looks don't matter much to me because I think what's in a person's heart is way more important.

I'd choose personality over looks any day of the week. :smile:
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