At 17 I was(I'm still) socially inept, no self esteem.
And I meet the love of my life at that age, A man 20 years older than myself that's now my husband, father of my 3 children.
Call me crazy but I watch him for over 3 weeks, and in the end he end up talking to me. We meet in a very crazy way. I'm Cuban and he was in La Haban (where I was born), he found the country interesting he said, I lived in the poorest areas in the city, and I thought "How is a white rich European man is even going to look once to a brunette, poor Cuban woman like me?(That the way i thought at the time), I found out I was very wrong, and we just fell in love with eachother,and it was a very dangerous relationship I was 17 at the time and he was 37. He stayed in the country just becuase of me(It was hell to get out of the country) we couldn't get married, he bought a house. I got pregnant in January of 2000, giver birht to our first child in September(I was 19) and we married in October and we finally moved to Iceland(from where my husband is from) and then we moved to Australia we lived there for one year and now we are here in Finland.
But I understand you,I felt so sad, becuase I was always by myself (I have my mother of course) but it's not the same, I saw all my sibling falling in love and getting married and it hurt so much, I was depressed, I tried to kill myself, I thought I was useless in this life. I really understand how you fell now, but sooner or later you'll find that very special person. Actually my husband was cheated 2 times before meeting me, and he was single for 2 years(something that I couldn't believe).