idiot test

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I passed the Idiot Test and am officially Brilliant! Woohoo!! :biggrin: :bounce:
(It only took me like ten tries *eye roll* Note to self: "lightest blue square" does not mean click the turquoise RECTANGLE)


Chat Buddy
Screwed up twice.. pressed a rectangle instead of the square, which i think is the darkest blue actually... and i pressed one of the buttons when the R came up cos i was bored of waiting... but now i'm brilliant, woo!


SF Friend
Staff Alumni
I did it and at the end (what seemed to be the end) it said "FOOL". Well, tell me something I don't already know!:rolleyes: :dry: There was a place to retake it but I didn't. I thought I did everything as the instructions said. Maybe that makes me a fool, that's alright - I've been worse!:rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
I gave up after the thing told me to click the smallest red button so i did and it called me a fool.

SO the next time, i clicked the other button.

Called me a fool again.

How do i get past that?


Antiquities Friend
Staff Alumni
Brilliant. Yay! I passed on the 2nd try! 'Press the green button QUICK!' caught me off guard the first time.

Exactly where I came unstuck Winter..AM NOW OFFICIALLY BRILLIANT :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

ps Wag: there is a tiny red button top right hand corner as you look at the screen
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