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If you have no one, you are fundamentally a evil person

I feel like that too sometimes I don't think its fair how everyone hates people with no friends. I wish it was like tv shows where people reach out to lonely people but instead they just judge you or laugh at you. but I doubt you're a bad person


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
I think a lot of members here can relate to feeling there must be something wrong with us or that we are bad because we’re alone. I definitely understand the feelings, and I think it leads to a kind of faulty logic. We feel lonely, there aren’t people around, we can’t figure out a good reason for it, therefore it must be us. That’s blaming ourselves and making the situation fit our feelings.

I am really sad @Fbr27 and @nu.lone_5 that you have both felt that way. I am sure that you are both good people. Making friends can be difficult. It’s true that there are some people who want “glitzy” friends…but maybe those people don’t have “true” friends. Just the glam, and glam is not deep or long-lasting.

I don’t know your situations. If you are alone, are there any groups you might join, such as a hiking group, a hobby group, a class, some kind of group volunteer activity. And then just be yourself…focus on the positive aspects of whatever activity you are doing. Talk about that, ask the other person about their interests and what they like to do. Good chance that will encourage them to ask about you. Not every person we meet will become a best buddy, but some will become friends if we take some time to get to know them and let them get to know us.

I hope you are feeling less lonely soon.

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