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Ignorance Of Homosexuality

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The negative view that people have of homosexuals is another reason why I have doubt in my heart of God. This utopian world view of a world exclusively filled with heterosexual people came straight from the bible. They may see Utopia I see over population. I myself am straight, but I just don't understand how two people can be persecuted for being blessed enough to find everything they need in a companion\life partner just because they happen to be the same sex. What should all of these people do, die unhappy and alone? People should really think about this, who are gay people hurting? Are gays hurting you or your self righteous belief system?

Getting By

Okay, before I start I'd like to point out that I have no issue that I know of with homosexuality in either gender.

I'm not an expert in the bible or religion, but I have read much of it. I'm not on the side of people who use it to bash people for their differences. As far as I know, there is only one brief reference in the bible to homosexuality. It's in Deuteronomy, I think...where Moses is laying out the rules and codes of behaviour for his people. It's a brief reference specifically directed toward men. So...does that mean woman can be homosexual? And in the old testament there is absolutely no issue with a man...a married man at that!...hiring a prostitute on his way home from temple. (In direct contrast to 'Thou shalt not commit adultery.')

Most of the instructions from the first part of the old testament are very specifically aimed at living in that time period. There's a passage in there about lepers having to ring a bell and shout 'unclean!' everywhere they go so that they don't spread the disease.

Too many people take the bible literally. I just don't think you can do that.

I'm a christian. I believe in God. I also believe in allowing people to pursue their own route to happiness. And I don't think I'm the only one. So have hope, we're not all thoughtless and cruel.
Nicely put, getting by.

I agree about the bible being taken too literally, not to mention out of context when it serves one's purposes conveniently.

Personally, I think it's just another book. It was written by people, and the people who lived then had many of the same problems we do now. I'd bet they had well over half of the mental illnesses we have today. Course, that would sure explain some of those 'miracles'.



Well-Known Member
Jinx said:
I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean it as a generalization, I was just talking about people I knew personally. And you're right; the whole point I was trying to make is that they're just people.
Oh, okay. Just clearing it up in case you were making a generilazation. We're all just people and we all have our quirks, mistakes, etc. Thank you. :)


I don't really want to label myself as lesbian/bi or whatever but it's interesting that I feel there's a lot of prejudice/ignorance between people who aren't straight as well...just a thought.
I agree with your view completely and I have to say, that line about wolves was really touching.

One of the most over-used excuses for disliking someone who is homosexual is religion and that absolutely grinds my nerves. Now, this is partly because I am an atheist, but mostly because it's pure ignorance. Too many religious people contradict themselves and I can't stand it.

But I really don't want to get started on religion. So I just want to give you props for sharing and tell you that I agree. The world needs to rid itself of ignorance about a lot of things, but that especially.


Antiquitie's Friend
Did Jesus say that homosexuality was wrong?
(Please don't quote me what St. Paul said, I don't care about him, only about what Jesus said)
Stigma has nothing to do with being gay/lesbian. People will pick on you for anything. People pick on you not because you are gay, they pick on you because you are vulnerable and they are permitted to get away with it.

Saying that people dislike you because of your sexuality is just being part of the victim culture. I could go on all day about people being picked on/persecuted because of their sexuality, race, cultural background, religion, skin/hair color, etc. but it's pointless because all motivations lead back to the same thing - people do it because it is a way of hiding their own vulnurabilities.
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SF Friend
Staff Alumni
For me it's an issue of minding my own damn business. What my friends - and strangers too - do in their private lives is none of my concern unless they ask my opinion or whatever. We were all made as we are and I was brought up to believe that we are all God's children and that we are to love and be kind to our neighbor. Christ didn't exclude, but loved and forgave and accepted. I should be able to do no less.:smile:


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with being gay. Love is not something that can only be shared with the opposite sex. Theres actually homosexual animals too. Dont let those douchebags get to you, defend yourself.


Well-Known Member
It is not a mental illness as some people may think. People in the 70's put homosexuality in that category since it was different from what was accepted by society. People see homosexuals as perverts or child molestors. Just as many heterosexuals molest children as gay people, maybe more. I do not know why, but some people think being gay is a choice. It is most definitely not. It's heterosexuals who say this too, let me ask heterosexuals a question, if one day you decided to be homosexual, you may try it, but I highly doubt you will enjoy it, unless you discovered you are bisexual.

I believe theres now new evidence that indicates that homosexuality is due to the number of chromosomes someone has or something like that. Don't quote me on it, but that's what I heard.
No...people with downs syndrome have extra chromosomes. Last I heard, a genetic/biological cause has not yet been shown definitively, but there has been positive evidence supporting it. The cause of homosexuality isn't something as simple as a gene. It's likely the effect of several acting in harmony. This sort of system gets very messy when trying to research it.

However, finding a genetic cause is frankly quite irrelevant. Whether homosexuality is a choice or innate is no excuse either way for how society has immaturely dealt with it. The point is, homosexuality is consensual, and the actions do not hurt anyone. Ignorant people often make the parallel to pedophilia and rape. These two behaviors hurt people physically and mentally and thus are set apart from homosexual acts. If pedophilia was purely a choice, it would be considered negatively because of its negative effects on others. If pedophilia was shown to be genetic and passed down from generation to generation, it would still be seen as an atrocious act, regardless. On the other hand, if you gave money to charity because of a conscious choice, your actions would be acceptable since they do not hurt anyone. If giving money to charity was hypothetically a genetically predetermined characteristic, it would still be considered an acceptable behavior. Thus, whether a behavior is consciously chosen or marked in stone at birth is completely irrelevant. What matters is if the behavior you/your partner have consensually exhibited hurts anyone else, which makes it acceptable or not in society.

Many people rely on the bible for backing up their ignorance for homosexuals. I don't want to bash anyones religion, but a book that was written a few thousand years ago, that could have been written by ANYONE is not going to save you in an argument about whether the sexuality of someone is right or wrong. I'm sorry, it's stupid to think it will.
It's not a sound argument either as one will have to resort to circular reasoning sooner or later-How do you know <book X> is the word and will of <god Y>? Because <god Y> inspired <book X> with divine veracity.
No...people with downs syndrome have extra chromosomes. Last I heard, a genetic/biological cause has not yet been shown definitively, but there has been positive evidence supporting it. The cause of homosexuality isn't something as simple as a gene. It's likely the effect of several acting in harmony. This sort of system gets very messy when trying to research it.

However, finding a genetic cause is frankly quite irrelevant. Whether homosexuality is a choice or innate is no excuse either way for how society has immaturely dealt with it. The point is, homosexuality is consensual, and the actions do not hurt anyone. Ignorant people often make the parallel to pedophilia and rape. These two behaviors hurt people physically and mentally and thus are set apart from homosexual acts. If pedophilia was purely a choice, it would be considered negatively because of its negative effects on others. If pedophilia was shown to be genetic and passed down from generation to generation, it would still be seen as an atrocious act, regardless. On the other hand, if you gave money to charity because of a conscious choice, your actions would be acceptable since they do not hurt anyone. If giving money to charity was hypothetically a genetically predetermined characteristic, it would still be considered an acceptable behavior. Thus, whether a behavior is consciously chosen or marked in stone at birth is completely irrelevant. What matters is if the behavior you/your partner have consensually exhibited hurts anyone else, which makes it acceptable or not in society.

It's not a sound argument either as one will have to resort to circular reasoning sooner or later-How do you know <book X> is the word and will of <god Y>? Because <god Y> inspired <book X> with divine veracity.
I'd have to say I do agree with what you have stated. So many hide behind ignorance.
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