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Ignore This

Wrick Malcof

Well-Known Member
The title isn't some childish cry for attention. For my sake and yours, ignore every word that comes after this foreword. I can't keep this written on paper because someone might find it.

None of this is worth it anymore. None of it. I don't care if I'm ill. I don't care if my perspective has been "skewed" by said supposed illness. I don't fucking care about the good of my fellow human and the struggles they face. I DON'T FUCKING CARE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!

But there's always a fucking but. Because I care about leaving no mark at all on this forgotten wet heap of celestial chaos. I care about how I will affect those unfortunate enough to give a shit about my life. They don't deserve the horrible pain I want to put them through. Never in my wildest nightmares would I willfully inflict such tragedy.

This conflict is slowly and excruciatingly sawing me in two. Existence is hell and I have no power to end it. I either have to cope with it or go insane. The former is proving much more difficult than it's worth


The title isn't some childish cry for attention. For my sake and yours, ignore every word that comes after this foreword. I can't keep this written on paper because someone might find it.

None of this is worth it anymore. None of it. I don't care if I'm ill. I don't care if my perspective has been "skewed" by said supposed illness. I don't fucking care about the good of my fellow human and the struggles they face. I DON'T FUCKING CARE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!

But there's always a fucking but. Because I care about leaving no mark at all on this forgotten wet heap of celestial chaos. I care about how I will affect those unfortunate enough to give a shit about my life. They don't deserve the horrible pain I want to put them through. Never in my wildest nightmares would I willfully inflict such tragedy.

This conflict is slowly and excruciatingly sawing me in two. Existence is hell and I have no power to end it. I either have to cope with it or go insane. The former is proving much more difficult than it's worth
I see nothing childish about what you are saying.

You're absolutely right, life isn't worth living. We're surrounded by vain, selfish, ingrates and the ones we thought were our "friends" invariably stab us in the back. They don't care what pain we're in or for how long or the details of our suffering. If we don't give them the willing smile they're expecting or the understanding we offer in their times of need. When it comes to us they don't even have the decency to have some basic manners. Remind yourself daily of this: they are the ones being arrogant pigs. They are the ones being self-centred prats, self-inflated with their own sense of superiority to the point for common decency is beneath them. At least for the "little people". Their communication skills are for sh*t but only when it's for the benefit of someone they would consider an underlying.

Have you tried dismissing these soulless creatures out of hand? Treat them with the same contempt they fling at you. Try it for a few weeks. They're just people after all. They're not gods. They're just flawed, pathetic, f*ck-ups like the rest of us.

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