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I'm dying and only music can save me


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions? I like Dead South, ICP, Black Sabbath, New Order, Adele, Ninja Sex Party, Rammstein, Finbar Furey, Johnny Cash, Elvis, Insane Poetry, Sex Pistols, Joy Division, Skinny Puppy and pretty much everything in between, hook me up with some sweet jams guys.

Oh and Ghost B.C., their like my favorite band, I guess Chris Jerichos band is on here too because even though I never listen to FOZZY I don't want Y2K kicking my ads or putting me on a list (that's a joke about wrestling, I'm sorry)

Flying Fox

Upside-down Hugger
SF Supporter
Here's some I have been listening too!

Blue Stahli
Glitch Mob
George Winston
Eric Clapton
Andy McKee
Loreena McKennit
Zoe Keating
Kaki King
Gustav Holst
Andrew Bird

I don't know if you've seen 10 Second Songs take on System on a down in the style of Ghost but here it is :D

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Well-Known Member
Soak - Me Compassionate and Shuttergut Pop will eat itself - Ich bin ein auslander Stabbing Westward - What do i have to do, Shame, Save yourself, I Don't Believe Gravity Kills - Guilty, enough
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Here's some good ones. Dio, Megadeth ,System of a Down, Anthrax, Volbeat, Pantera, Kobe, Slipknot, Kill switch engage, Avenged Sevenfold, Slayer, "Nordic themed bands", Amin amarth, Gloryhammer, Powerwolf, Yo, welcome to the forum. You found a good spot here. When ya got a sec. let us know what's goin on so we can help out. You can always hit me up if you need help or if ya got questions. Peace.

, Savatage, Dimmu Borgir, Apostasy, Bishop of Hexen, Omen, Angel Witch, 3 inches of blood, Anvil (recc.), Motörhead, Thomas Bergersen, (recc?) Audiomachine (Various), Epic Score, Future World, Jo Blankenburg??? Steve Jablonsky??? Immediate, Priestess, Rush, Alice Cooper, Foreigner, The Edgar Winter...? Buck Dharma (wtf?) Planet P project, Dave Matthews??? Queens of the Stone Age, Breakin Benjamin, Serj Tanklan??? Trans-X (hopefully not what I'm thinkin...) New medicine, Chevelle, Pop evil, Thrice, Nothing more, Turbowolf, Shinedown, Seether. Savage Circus, Rhapsody of fire and Rhapsody (separate?) Hammerfall, Avantasia, Falconer, Sonata Arctica, Stormwarrior, Firewind, Disturbed, In flames, AFI, Korn, Leaves' eyes, Diabulus in music (sure?) Delain, Sirenia, Tarja, Amberian Dawn, Visions of Atlantis, Orden Ofan, Edenbridge, Epica, Katra, Testament, King Diamond, Dream Theater, Opeth, Incubus, Threshold, Magica, Redemption, Deliverance, Lightforce,


Well-Known Member
i just discovered Screaming Females. they're pretty good. i could list a ton of bands but i'm lazy right now. caffeine and music keep my brain working right. i listen to music while i code a lot, it helps.

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