Help I have this terrible feeling. I'm stuck all day in bed and I can't move. I feel comfortable in my bed and safe. I haven't been outside the house in two weeks. I don't go out because I have terrible anxiety. I need help to restart my life and get back on track. I know I sound pathetic and lazy. I just can't help the way I feel. I wish that things were different for me. I have lost all my friends because I don't go out with them anymore. This has caused me to feel helpless and worthless. I can't tell anyone how I really feel for fear that they will laugh at me. I should be stronger but I am not. I should be able to handle all my emotions and be able to interact with others. I think others are judging me and laughing at me. I have Major Depression and anxiety and I get panic attacks. I just want to be able to get up in the morning and not worry about anything. Simple tasks are so difficult. Please help me
First of all it's ok to stay in bed, if you feel comfortable and safe there then don't let this play on your mind. Use the time to write stuff down when you're awake. Step right outside of your normal thinking patterns of worrying about lost friends, worthlessness, helplessness etc. You do understand thinking about all these things all the time is what's causing the problem right? It's the main ingredient for anxiety, I mean this thinking pattern feeds the anxiety, it's like when a child rolls a snowball in the snow, that snowball soon becomes so big you don't have the strength to push it any more.
Write down stuff you used to enjoy as a child, go right back to as far as you can remember. Perhaps at 5 years old you enjoyed riding your bike along a certain path, or perhaps you collected leaves from trees and traced them with a pencil through paper. I'm just giving you examples but you'll know what you enjoyed. Even if it was a birthday party or Xmas event write everything down.
Then as you start to remember things you enjoyed as a child, write down all the things you enjoyed as you got older. Do NOT write down anything that bothered you, just write down all the things you enjoyed!
It's ok to stay in bed and do this all day long, it's positive, stops you going over the same old things in your mind which IS feeding the anxiety. You will find like magic things appear on this list you write which will remind you of positive things in the past. These are the things to focus on for the future, and that's the starting point, instead of getting up and following old routines you could get up and start a new routine. Even if that means buying a spacehopper and bouncing down the street, if you enjoyed it once before, then their is nothing to stop you enjoying it again.
It's not the end laying in bed, it's a new beginning. Just got to try and lQQk at it all differently.
So tomorrow and as long as it takes ahead, stay safe and comfortable in bed, but just write that list!