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I'm tired of women and trying to think about relationships


Well-Known Member
Maybe people will judge me because of the title, but I just have to be open to what am I thinking. I need to rant.

I feel tired. I feel tired of seeing people that I can't have. Anywhere I go I see girls that I could be with, but the feeling of emptiness, the feeling that those girls probably don't even think about me, and if they think, they just decide that I am not worth the risk is very depressing.

I wish I could just close my eyes and forget.

All the love I felt for any girl in the past unfulfilled just makes me sad about ever loving someone in the future.

Everyone that can like me seems to only remind me of people who didn't like me. Girls who don't even notice me.

Maybe the problem is that I never felt "desired". But maybe I've been desired before, but if a girl didn't have the will to just try to call my attention, what does it matter?

Why should I try to go and find someone, if it always feels like a transaction where I have to offer something first?

Why I have to wait for some special girl, if the average girl just doesn't even notice me.



Useless currently
As a woman... posts like this are hard to read and respond to. I really don't want you to hurt yourself, please know that up front.
But also know that women aren't there to complete you and make you feel OK. A relationship is a two way thing and if you haven't found it, these women don't owe you anything. I believe there's someone out there for you. I'd steer clear of dividing women into 'special' and 'average'. And think about how you'd feel if the shoe was on the other foot. It's honestly not attractive, try to connect to people, do things you love, let it happen. I wish you the best for your future.
I don't know. I'm old. almost 57, I only once I think looked at a guy in a bar and asked him to dance when i was 22. It took a lot of courage to do that. I think women kind of have this idea a guy will hit on them if they are interested, I don't think it's classy or a good idea for a woman to chase after a guy. But I'm old fashioned. Sometimes you have to really feel the pain of a heart break... to realize later that person wasn't meant to be there in your life. I had a couple rough break ups, and damn it hurt so bad. Probably took me almost 2 years to get over a 5 year relationship. I think you should go after who you want. But I dont know. And Snails is right, no one can complete you.

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