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Im tired

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Im tired of everything I don't wanna wake up every day hate looking at myself in the mirror just seen a broken boy and its the only way out I can see just thinking how and when


☆☆Admin-tastic ☆☆
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Hi welcome to SF. Sorry to hear your're struggling so much right now. Anything in particular going on? Have you felt like this for a long time? It can get tiring running in the same circle over and over again, but maybe we can help you find some ways to move outside of that circle. I hope you stick around and get to know us.


Has a monkey as a friend
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welcome to SF @Chunky 666 we are a peer community that cares but never judges. please take a look around and post when you feel comfortable, and we also have a good chat section. i know that things are bad for you right now but you have decades to get to where you want. looks can be improved, career can get better, relationships romantic or platonic can bloom. this is not the time to give up, this is the time to celebrate your youth and find a way to find joy. i hope you feel better soon....mike...*hug*shake
Sorry that you're feeling so bad.
its the only way out I can see just thinking how and when
One of the things suicidal people have in common is not seeing any way out except death. In most cases, this isn't true though. Lots of people have been in the same position before, feeling the same way, but were able to get better.

Do you want to say more about why you feel this way? It's ok not to say more if you don't want to, but maybe we can help you find a better way out than suicide, or at least give you a little comfort.

I hope things can get better soon.


✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Hi there @Chunky 666

You sound like you are experiencing classic symptoms of depression. Would you consider talking about how you feel with your doctor? They might be able to help by giving you anti depressants if they see fit and refer you to therapy perhaps?

SF is a peer to peer support forum so you have us as well, you don't have to suffer in silence.

Welcome to SF, its nice to meet you.


* * *
SF Artist
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Nice to meet you. If you feel comfortable then please write some more about what you're going through. We're all here to listen and it's likely that most of us will be able to relate in one way or another.


drink plenty of water
Forum Pro
SF Supporter
I can sense self-loathing and pain. You'll always have a place here to share your pain. Pain shared is pain lessened. We're glad to have you here.
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