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In Hospital

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SF Supporter
I've just been admitted to wardto keep me safe, I was testing stuff out (without going into details) and the home treatment crisis team were assessing me but i couldn't talk so they escalated it to a mental health act assessment and no beds there so i'm in hospital bit further away from where I live. It's scary.


SF Supporter
Hugs Ouroboros

Do you want to say more about what makes it scary? It's ok not to say if you don't want to

I don't do well with new places or new people, i have social anxiety so that makes everything hard let alone this. I've also never been on a psych ward as a patient before.


SF Supporter
that's high anxiety *hug
do you have anything familiar with you for home comfort?
I've brought my rubix cube and my tablet with me, all my cuddley toys have been re-allocated to my daughter pretty much, not sure i'd want them here anyway.

Really tired, went to bed late because had to wait for doctor and i've just had psychiatrist doing really long assessment. I actually managed to talk to her, so I guess that's good. She said she will see me again on thursday.

I managed to miss breakfast because i couldn't/didn't want to get up and lunch because of the psychiatrist but they had some left over so I had it straight after.

least I found out netflix works here

might hang out for a bit then have a nap
I've brought my rubix cube and my tablet with me, all my cuddley toys have been re-allocated to my daughter pretty much, not sure i'd want them here anyway.

Really tired, went to bed late because had to wait for doctor and i've just had psychiatrist doing really long assessment. I actually managed to talk to her, so I guess that's good. She said she will see me again on thursday.

I managed to miss breakfast because i couldn't/didn't want to get up and lunch because of the psychiatrist but they had some left over so I had it straight after.

least I found out netflix works here

might hang out for a bit then have a nap
that's nice you can have some stuff with you :)

I didn't think doctors came at late times? I don't have much experience with hospitals though.

that's good you can access netflix to pass the time, I'm glad :)
I hope it all goes ok there x


SF Supporter
I hope you're feeling more settled in and less scared
I'm having alot of anxiety/panicking about germs, people touching my stuff, me touching things, using the bathroom, and not knowing what to do and people talking to me. i've just been dosing last hour or so, i'm just staying in my room mostly. I keep getting bad thoughts though, trying to find another way, I thought about some things i cant say here. I'm scared here alot, i'm scared alot everywhere, i think i, m too broken


Ninja of light
I've just been admitted to wardto keep me safe, I was testing stuff out (without going into details) and the home treatment crisis team were assessing me but i couldn't talk so they escalated it to a mental health act assessment and no beds there so i'm in hospital bit further away from where I live. It's scary.
Praying for you.
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