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Well-Known Member
i have never tried to commit suicide. i dont know if i will. to me, it is not a bad thing. it's simply and end to "this". i guess i need to explain. an apple tree is a tree that "apples" (<--- apples is a verb). this world is a world that "peoples". it isnt sad when an apple dies, or a mosquito (only really if i look at it poetically). i do not believe in god, or reincarnation, or anything like that. i don't know what happens after death, but it really can't be bad, and it will happen to everyone. could consciousness die with body? i dont know. but that's not the point. i'm just trying to explain that i don't think there's anything wrong with death, except that it doesnt allow me to continue with life.

now that i've covered that, if i were to kill myself, say by jumping off of a building, what i REALLY fear more than anything else is that i may change my mind while in mid air, when it's too late. maybe i would remember something that i forgot to do. idk, it's just kind of a scary thought to me. to regret it when it's too late. anyone know what i'm talking about?


The biggest loser ever to live.
I think thats happened to a lot of people, they regret their decision right when its too late to do anything, to both those who survived their suicide attempts and those who didn't.


Well-Known Member
hmmm idk if it happens to everyone. some people might not even be conscious at that point. but i guess if that's my only fear about suicide on a pro-life forums, who is going to say otherwise?
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