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I know that on <mod edit - timeline>, my mother will be dead. She has been telling me for months at this point that she will kill herself come this time. She is 47, her health is terrible (physical and mental), she has no friends, does not talk to anyone, does not leave the house, and has zero positive contact with her first born son. I am home from college but leave next week which I know will be the last time I see her in person. How do I deal with something that I know is coming? Something that cannot be stopped and is coming faster than ever?
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Ninja of light
Honestly, this isn’t a fair question to ask anyone. I could tell you what I would do if it were my mother, but that wouldn’t be a fair answer. You should ask yourself a few things.
Why is she telling you this? Normally when someone is preparing to destroy their bodies, they keep it to themselves, at least from family.
What can you do to help the situation?
Take a break from school?
Move in with her?
Have her committed?
What should you do with this info?
Call your half brother, and tell him?
Keep it to yourself?
Tell a professional?


Outsider in the Realm of Lost and Found
I know that on September 2nd, my mother will be dead. She has been telling me for months at this point that she will kill herself come this time. She is 47, her health is terrible (physical and mental), she has no friends, does not talk to anyone, does not leave the house, and has zero positive contact with her first born son. I am home from college but leave next week which I know will be the last time I see her in person. How do I deal with something that I know is coming? Something that cannot be stopped and is coming faster than ever?
It would be safer if she accepts to be hospitalized before that day. Do you think you are able to convince her that?
I would recommend finding a counselor to help you with all this, as she needs proper treatment as soon as possible.


To Wish Impossible Things
SF Supporter
Hi @BrotherV56

I'm so sorry, that's an awful situation to be in.

If a person is threatening suicide it can be a huge risk to assume they don't mean it just because they have told you.

Is her doctor aware of her mental health problems? Do you think you could talk to them about what she has said? This really isn't something you should deal with alone and it sounds like your mother needs urgent help.
How do I deal with something that I know is coming?
You might want to encourage her to join SF.

I am home from college but leave next week
I think most schools have some form of emergency leave policy. If your school has a psychological counseling center, they might know more. An academic advisor might know, or you might be able out school policy or who to talk to from your schools website.

I'm not suggesting that you leave school to be your mother's permanent caretaker, but extending your time at home may best for at least a few weeks. That will give you some time to try to get her some help, and also put in order how you can best deal practically and emotionally with the situation.

Would you be able to talk to a psychological counselor at school over the phone?

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