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I don't see a reason for me to be here.
I can't image a future for myself except getting older and more pathetic to the outside world
I can't imagine myself ever loving of trusting anyone besides the people I'm already close to... I don't trust new people

I am just wasting away with each day =[ I don't want to be seen in public


Well-Known Member
Please keep posting here, it will help, a little at a time. We've all been to this point and we'll walk with you through it.


total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
First off welcome to the forum I love your avatar cute cute I hope you have a therapist and doctor helping you with your depression and suicidal thoughts. Therapy does help talk therapy and medication takes the pain down a notch emotional pain. Venting here let out everything from inside helps too so keep posting okay let us help take care
you're in the right place there a lot of people here that can help. i know it easier said than done but if you constantly imagine yourself negatively that is how you're going to see yourself. it helps to think positive when you can. i know it hard when you're feeling down like you are but it not impossible. it just continues the cycle. i found getting out and exercising really really helped me, i could see the improvements, even though they came slowly, and that made me start to feel better about myself. you can pull through it just stay positive
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