My Mother and I are both very strong minded individuals. My Mother is a control freak, she always has been and always will be. She can be vindictive and down right nasty at times but she's my Mother and I do love her. When I found out that I was pregnant with my daughter, my Mother was very supportive of my decision to keep my daughter and supported me the whole time throughout my pregnancy and even went into the room with me when I gave birth to my daughter. Things have always been up and down between us, one minute we're fine and the next, we're fighting like hell. Throughout my youth, I hated her and it wasn't until I had my daughter did I realize why she did some of what she did to/for me. I moved out of her house in July for the first time ever and while it's been a huge adjustment, I feel like our relationship has sort of improved until recently. My fiance proposed to me in November and she seems very supportive our relationship but has been almost entirely uninterested in the wedding planning questions I've asked her. For example, my fiance and I were talk to her about where we wanted to get married and her response was "you guys should just elope and get it over with." I was taking back by that comment, I was also taken back by how nasty she got with me when I asked her to go dress shopping with me. Her exact words were "just wear my wedding dress" I said no, I want to buy something completely different and her response was "well, you shouldn't be dress shopping until you have a set date." I feel like I'm forcing her to do something that she doesn't want to be involved in and it hurts. Yesterday, I called to talk to her and she said "I don't need to go dress shopping with you this weekend, my legs hurt and I can't really walk." I flat out asked her if she wanted to be involved in this and she responded "yes." I got off the phone with her and began to cry. I cried until late last night. I talked to my other half about this and he said he's not surprised by any of it because he knows how my Mother can be. It sucks when you question whether or not your family truly loves you or do they love you for what you can do for them.