Jim's Cafe - 30th January

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Innocent Forever

Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
@Renate you don't need to say anything, just hangout here :) one of my favourite threads. It ties with the count to a million thread. Another favourite.

So now I need to finish packing and book my ticket. Tickets? What are those?

dandelion s

RAW, well done
SF Supporter
Here is me, late as usual. First thanks again so much IF for inviting me. I'm afraid ivI' arrived empty handed. I think there's plenty to eat so - and this is just a fantasy that though I studied and hated violin as a child I still love the music. And I imagine a big banquet with that mildly obnoxious fiddler playing his fiddle with big smile I just want to stroll through with my violin playing everyone s favorite song and if only for today make everyone smile with the music I never learned to play like I had accomplished something I had set out to do. I'm hoping everyone loves this music. So, there's plenty of food. Feast. Close your eyes. Listen. And love the music...
Hey everyone
thanks for inviting me @Innocent Forever
I actually quit drinking coffee recently. I started drinking a "fake coffee" drink called "chicorei" :confused:
it tastes nothing like coffee, but it's black, hot and bitter, so it's something.
furthermore, I'd like to sare a song I recently discovered, and I like very much


~ Peace and love to all ~
Heyy tysm for tagging me & ss to be belated here but I hope my gifts will make up for my lateness! ;)

(omg I really hope the forum will make it smaller automatically...anyway, a pretty rainbow unicorn painting!)

A rainbow unicorn housecoat :)

Unicorn shirt (really hope you like rainbows, and unicorns, lol!)

And last but not least, some rainbow swirl cookies! Enjoy ;)
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