Welcome one and all to Jim's Cafe! A little less going rogue and a little more "topics of the day" this time, so lets see what day it is today:
1) "World Wildlife Day"
2) "What if Cats and Dogs had Opposable Thumbs day"
3) "National Anthem Day"
4) "Registered Dietitian Day"
5) "Canadian Bacon Day"
6) "International Irish Whiskey Day",
7) "World Maths Day"
8) "Cold Cuts Day"
9) "Mulled Wine Day"
So what shall we do with these topics? Well, By Mixing 3, 5 and 6 we get the "National Appreciation Table", next, Lets mix 1 and 2 for the "Animal Lover's Table", and finally, The recruitment table, Oh and a little something extra hidden at the back... I really wanted to do a maths table, but I couldn't think of any good questions, I suppose that's what happens when you neglect sleep... so instead, an open invitation to anyone who wants to teach us Maths or talk about any of the other days above if it moves you.
So Pick your table and feast yourself on the topics at hand but first:
Fun Facts
Did you know:
1) If you are drinking Champaign from a place other than a very specific town in France, its not actually Champaign, it is Sparkling Wine. Champaign is a sparkling wine named for the specific region in France in which it is made.
2) North Korea and Cuba are apparently the only countries in the world where you cant by Coca Cola.
3) The Canary Islands were named after Dogs, not Birds. The name "Canary Islands" comes from the Italian name "Islas Canarias" which itself comes from the Latin "Canariae Insulae" meaning "Island of Dogs".
4) Australia boasts possibly the lonest place name in the world with the little town of "Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya Hill".
5) 1 Billion used to mean "1million millions", as defined in the 16th century, but in recent decades the American Billion "1thousand millions" gained such popularity that other countries began to cave.
National Appreciation Table
A Table for us all to get warm and fuzzy about those strange concepts of "you cant come here, we claimed this bit".
1) Which country are you from?
2) What is your favourite thing about your country?
3) If I were stuck in your country for a week, where is 1 place I would absolutely have to visit? Or alternatively 1 activity I MUST do?
4) What country have you always wanted to visit and why?
5) Which country has the best Language / Accent? (You can choose your own, and you can choose any regional language/accent of any country)
6) What does your country mean to you?
Animals Lovers Table
First a BIG shout out to anyone with an animal name or avatar, you belong here
1) For all those pet owners, tell us something unusual about your pet, odd habits, unexpected abilities, escape attempts anything.
2) Tell us about what it takes to take care of your pet?
3) What aspect of which animal do you REALLY envy?
4) Have you ever got the chance to work with wild animals, if so, tell us a story, if not, would you if you could?
5) Tell us Why you love animals, just go nuts
The Recruitment Table
This is the table where anyone can sign up to do tomorrows Cafe for us all. All you have to do is post in BIG COLOURFUL LETTERS "I VOLUNTEER"
The Philosophy Bunker
I noticed a couple people say they like Philosophy so I made a thread called the Philosophy Bunker, it is meant to be an addon for todays cafe but doesnt need to be abandoned tomorrow if you do like it there.
Please feel free to tag anyone you like.
@Aurelia @FlamingoWrangler @HappyKitty @johnDoen @Kiwi2016 @cymbele @extraterrestrialone @Sunday16