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jims cafe friday january 15

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Has a monkey as a friend
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Has a monkey as a friend
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ok my answers

1. i would definitely choose love

2. i think men look older for 2 reasons. 1st goes back to the beginning of time. in most relationships men still feel responsible for the family and work hard in a job and fights to keep the family together. it's not as bad these days because women take more responsibility and help their family by working outside the home. but it will be many years before it's equal. the other thing is most women do what they can to look better. they want to look well and use make up clothes etc. to look that way and most men don't give a shit especially after they get married lol.

3. forgiving myself is usually fairly easy for me. if i truly feel bad for what i do and try to make it right then yes i can forgive myself by telling myself that i'm human.

4. i think people can change if they try. even small changes can make a huge difference. in fact the only way to get through life is by constantly changing.

5. once someone betrays me i don't trust them at all. but trust can be earned. i have a person that totally betrayed me but over a couple of years they earned my trust back.

@RCee @Sunday16 @Foreignwoman @sinking_ship @foreverforgotten @MosesY @KM76710 @MisterBGone @extraterrestrialone @Baywasp @Sunspots


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ok some easy questions

1. would you prefer to live for love and be broke or without love and be rich.

2. why is it that men look older than women.

3. can you forgive yourself if you do something bad.

4. can people really change if they try.

5. if someone betrays you can you ever trust them again.

@Dante @Kiwi2016 @JMG @Lane @Walker @may71 @StrangeRanger @Innocent Forever @Road to Nowhere @Champagne
Thank you for opening and tagging me @1964dodge

1) since I've been there, done that going with option 2. I figure I can find love in the things I do and my other relationships. Financial stability is #1 for me.

2) I think men and women age equally

3) I have forgiven myself. I didn't think it was bad, just mistakes that effected those I loved.

4) yes, people can change their behavior but not their personalities.

5) I'm on guard with acquatinces that give snide comments, but family members I have forgiven and they repeated behavior. The cliche is true "a leopard doesn't change its spots".


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ok my answers

1. i would definitely choose love

2. i think men look older for 2 reasons. 1st goes back to the beginning of time. in most relationships men still feel responsible for the family and work hard in a job and fights to keep the family together. it's not as bad these days because women take more responsibility and help their family by working outside the home. but it will be many years before it's equal. the other thing is most women do what they can to look better. they want to look well and use make up clothes etc. to look that way and most men don't give a shit especially after they get married lol.

3. forgiving myself is usually fairly easy for me. if i truly feel bad for what i do and try to make it right then yes i can forgive myself by telling myself that i'm human.

4. i think people can change if they try. even small changes can make a huge difference. in fact the only way to get through life is by constantly changing.

5. once someone betrays me i don't trust them at all. but trust can be earned. i have a person that totally betrayed me but over a couple of years they earned my trust back.

@RCee @Sunday16 @Foreignwoman @sinking_ship @foreverforgotten @MosesY @KM76710 @MisterBGone @extraterrestrialone @Baywasp @Sunspots
#4 *thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tag @1964dodge & @Lane .waiting for my coffee maker so I guess I'll answer some questions.
1. I'm already broke without love so I'll take the money.
2. As men age they become "distinguished " women turn into old crones. I think it's more a societal issue than fact.
3. I have trouble with this and find it easier to forgive others.
4. People can change what can be changed. Somethings you have to accept.
5. It takes a lot to lose my trust, so once its lost it's gone forever. I'll forgive but that person will never be in my life again.


SF Pro
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Thanks for the tag @1964dodge & @Lane .waiting for my coffee maker so I guess I'll answer some questions.
1. I'm already broke without love so I'll take the money.
2. As men age they become "distinguished " women turn into old crones. I think it's more a societal issue than fact.
3. I have trouble with this and find it easier to forgive others.
4. People can change what can be changed. Somethings you have to accept.
5. It takes a lot to lose my trust, so once its lost it's gone forever. I'll forgive but that person will never be in my life again.
#1 I hear ya sis 😂


Well-Known Member
1. would you prefer to live for love and be broke or without love and be rich.
Without love and be rich. After all, without money, the love isn't likely to be harmonious and you couldn't enjoy life anyway. You don't have to be lonely; you can make your own company.

2. why is it that men look older than women.
I don't know where this comes from? It is said here, that typically, women age much faster.

3. can you forgive yourself if you do something bad.
Depends on the severity of the mistake, the intentions behind it, and immaturity/level of wisdom etc. Also, outcome and perception of others, who had unfair consequences (but I would judge the latter, in accordance with their state of mind, not totally reliant upon it.)

4. can people really change if they try.
I think change is somewhat of an illusion. I think it depends upon peoples "core". If someone appears to "reform" I would say it was more likely than not that they were never bad or evil in the first place - and, in fact, only deviated from this as a result of other peoples actions/life lessons they should learn. And, vice versa, so there is room for improvement. I suppose it is possible for someone to become decent, with correct guidance and motivation to be so. I just haven't witnessed it. People are tempted, and then head backwards.

5. if someone betrays you can you ever trust them again.
I will clearly allow mistakes, but truly, you know deep down whether someone has care and respect for you, or if they just apologise for effect. Depends upon circumstances and that thing we call "intuition".

Sorry for all errors- I didn't sleep too well. Lol.
I hope everyone can have a reasonable day!! )*stars
Thank you @1964dodge for opening and tagging. i am up early today after only getting three hours or sleep so am super sleepy. am going to drink loads of tea to counteract it so thats good.

1. would you prefer to live for love and be broke or without love and be rich.
live for love and be broke because inner fulfillment is priceless

2. why is it that men look older than women.
its all the testosterone

3. can you forgive yourself if you do something bad.
usually no

4. can people really change if they try.

5. if someone betrays you can you ever trust them again.
it would be hard for me to


Well-Known Member
Thanks for opening the cafe @1964dodge. I hope everyone has a great Friday.

Would you prefer to live for love and be broke or without love and be rich?
Live for love and be broke.

Why is it that men look older than women?
Bad habits

Can you forgive yourself if you do something bad?
Depends how bad. I do have a hard time forgiving myself sometimes.

Can people really change if they try.
Yes, I believe most people can change, but changing is just incredibly hard.

If someone betrays you can you ever trust them again?
Depends on the circumstances, but it might be hard for me to trust them again.


Of dust and shadows
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1. would you prefer to live for love and be broke or without love and be rich.
Considering that love is a totally alien concept to me, I'll go for the cash option.

2. why is it that men look older than women.
Speak for yourself sunbeam *huh

3. can you forgive yourself if you do something bad.
Depends on how much I enjoyed doing it

4. can people really change if they try.
Depends on the level of desire they wish to affect a change

5. if someone betrays you can you ever trust them again.
That'll be dependant on the nature of the betrayal. Regardless of which, I'll always be wary of such a person.
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