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Jim's cafe Sunday 27th September

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✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
Staff Alumni
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Hello all, welcome to the cafe. C'mon in, I have some great questions and topics for you to answer today. Join in our light hearted discussions and chill with a fancy tea or coffee...

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Join us here and we'll have a good time-out from stress, anxiety or anything that is bothering you, hopefully but I'd rather hear you are having a good day/night *hug
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Super Sunday Seven questions... enjoy :)

What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?

What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect?

What separates true friends from acquaintances?

What is a creative gift you have given or received?

Can a person change their personality?

How have standards of beauty changed over the years?

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you?


@1964dodge @Holding my breath @Lara_C @Auri @Road to Nowhere @LonelyHiker @SamIAm @KM76710 @MisterBGone @Ash600


🦄🦜🧁Pink Gif Letter X Queen🌈🌝💖
SF Supporter
What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?
The best thing is probably that we can talk openly about most things. But we aren't as close as we used to be.

What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect?
My best personality aspect is empathy. The worst is self-sabotage.

What separates true friends from acquaintances?
You can talk to them without fear of being judged or misunderstood.

What is a creative gift you have given or received?
I like it when people give me drawings and things like that. It's always very unique.

Can a person change their personality?
Depends on if they want to change and how deeply they are rooted in that personality.

How have standards of beauty changed over the years?
Yes, because you didn't have to be a size zero in the past to be beautiful.

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you?
I think just being there when you really need each other.


🎸🎶Metal Star🎵🥁
Safety & Support
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That's a lot of questions *faints But hey, I slept for 3 hours and woke up at 3am and can't seem to feel sleepy anymore... I'm hungry for breakfast, but still need to wait for that. I want that cute tea. ♡
Have all a beautiful day. *stars

What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?
  • Worst thing : my mom's side - they don't like me, we don't work well together, have different ways and views on life, different values. My mom is highly responsible for their opinion of me though, which is very frustrating.
  • Best thing : my dad's side - they're all metalheads. :D
What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect?
  • Best aspect : I can listen.
  • Worst aspect : I don't talk.
What separates true friends from acquaintances?
Some emotional connection. But I think it's a spectrum, I wouldn't divide between "true friends" and "acquaintances", there's a lot in between those, closer friends than others...

What is a creative gift you have given or received?
Hmm, what I give I'd rather not tell. :p I suppose drawings for me were very creative. Postcards, too.

Can a person change their personality?
They can learn and improve. Change from one thing to another, I don't think so (and I don't think that's the point at all - try to grow, not to change). The true personality always shows in some way even if a person changes how they handle things.

How have standards of beauty changed over the years?
They keep evolving, but I'm no historian. :p What never changes is that these standards exist and that people judge based on them. Be the change you want to see, don't do that. lol


Misknown Member
Come on in and join us ... no one bites here
shame :P Thank you for inviting me @ Champagne & for coffee

What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?
worst: they're self absorbed & obliviously negligent
best: but they attempt to care in their own way. makes for interesting holidays & fam group chats.

What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect?

best: ive been told my spirit.

worst: paranoia & overthinking

What separates true friends from acquaintances?

time & love & humor & connection

What is a creative gift you have given or received?

... this is a hard one. once a friend drew a cartoon caricature of me in a little comic series.

Can a person change their personality? i don't know if they can intentionally change it .. maybe life just changes it. my illness changed me completely and it wasn't intentional. i think we can intentionally make choices that indirectly change our personality.

How have standards of beauty changed over the years? depends whereabouts you are. but in the US you used to be able to be a person, now you must be a goddess or queen with full make up artist skills, a perfect body and trendy fashion sense. you used to be able to have unkempt brows... with your own brow fur.

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you? other than been a shoulder, i helped put together an art and music showing..

i dunno. my fiance has helped me out too many times to count. as far as a friend... once a friend took me on their vacation with them.


Kangaroo Manager
SF Pro
SF Supporter
What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?

The best is we can depend on each other. The worst is I never fit in and never have been close to them.

What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect?

The best sense of humor. The worst is apathy most of the time.

What separates true friends from acquaintances?

Welcoming someone into your inner life/inner circle and family. With only a couple of exceptions and them long past I have only had acquaintances.

What is a creative gift you have given or received?

Given has been woodworking and carpentry towards others quite a few over the years and I have posted up a picture or two of such. Received was a knitted blanket received from a woman who was much a second mom to me growing up.

Can a person change their personality?

I don't believe they can. The personality is formed young but you can intellectually train yourself to behave more appropriately. I can't emotionally feel sympathy but I can know that it is the right thing to do. Spock in Star Trek 4, we must help and get Chekhov. Kirk is that logical. Spock, no but it is the human thing to do.

How have standards of beauty changed over the years?

I think it has and not necessarily for the better.

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you?

What are these people you call friends? LOL :)


Works during the day, doodles at night.
What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?
I’m gonna make this short. I only like 1 aunty, 1 cousin on dad side & 1 aunty, 2 uncles and 1 cousin on mum side.

What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect?
Best aspect - Creative, playful, zesty, spontaneous, persistent, always curious, and wise.
Worst aspect - Impatient, stubborn (ask my dads @Gonz @Walker 😂), absentminded, forgetful and can be insensitive/callous.

What separates true friends from acquaintances?
When you can tell who is so genuine and not just fly-by’s, its really hard to forge real friendship these days.

What is a creative gift you have given or received?

Can a person change their personality?
Yes. My psychotherapist literally did that to me, lol.

How have standards of beauty changed over the years?
It makes people be confident of themselves I guess.

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you?
A big favor I have done for my friends is usually being there for them, I have an A4 wall of appreciation from them and in return, they do the same.


Recovering Alcoholic
SF Supporter
@Champagne thank you for opening the cafe and inviting me.

Hello all, welcome to the cafe. C'mon in, I have some great questions and topics for you to answer today. Join in our light hearted discussions and chill with a fancy tea or coffee..

Coffee is on, Maxwell house Smooth Bold. I will put some Kessler into it, I don't have to drive anywhere today.

Join us here and we'll have a good time-out from stress, anxiety or anything that is bothering you, hopefully but I'd rather hear you are having a good day/night

I laid down on the bed about 7 last night, a little tired, in all my clothes, and slept sound until 1:30 am.

Super Sunday Seven questions... enjoy :)

What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?

I come from an Amish background. Family is very important to the Amish. I have loving, caring, concerned siblings. THat is the best part. THe worst part is that my daughters won't talk to me any more. I have one daughter that allows me to write letters to her.

What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect?

The best aspect; I am a very good listener, very empathetic. The worst part; I don't express emotions well, find it hard to hug people (I don't like to be touched, was never touched as a child.)

What separates true friends from acquaintances?

I have one true friend, one of my roommates. I can say anything to him. Anything. I have discussed my suicidal feelings, he has told me about a time when he tried to end his life (he never told anyone else). An aquaintance is somebody you just talk surface stuff with, no real meaning.

What is a creative gift you have given or received?

One time I did some research on aging paper, making envelopes, etc. I aged some paper, soaked it in vinegar and then baked it, burnt the edges with a torch. I made a different type of aged paper for the envelope. I had made a fountain pen. I bought a kit of the metal parts and turned the barrels from cocobolo on my lathe. I wrote a love letter to my wife with that pen. I gave it to her in the envelope I made. She treasured that until years later when I went through a stupid phase.

Can a person change their personality?

I believe a person is made of 3 facets. Genetics. environment, and choices. Choices can change your personality but only to a degree.

How have standards of beauty changed over the years?

When I look at old paintings of women I see larger women. When I look at music videos today of popular women, or pornography, small women are popular. I find that sad.

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you?

I am doing a big favor for a friend now, putting new drawer slides in his kitchen. He is living on disabiity and yesterday I told him I would just do it for free, including paying for the drawer slides. It made me feel good.

My taillights don't always work on my car. My good friend offered to loan me the money to fix them. He gave me $300 and I took it to a garage, they couldn't find the problem. He meant well. I have figured out a way to fix them myself.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, welcome to the cafe. C'mon in, I have some great questions and topics for you to answer today. Join in our light hearted discussions and chill with a fancy tea or coffee...

View attachment 38421 View attachment 38422

Join us here and we'll have a good time-out from stress, anxiety or anything that is bothering you, hopefully but I'd rather hear you are having a good day/night *hug
View attachment 38419 View attachment 38420

Super Sunday Seven questions... enjoy :)

What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?

What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect?

What separates true friends from acquaintances?

What is a creative gift you have given or received?

Can a person change their personality?

How have standards of beauty changed over the years?

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you?

View attachment 38423

@1964dodge @Holding my breath @Lara_C @Auri @Road to Nowhere @LonelyHiker @SamIAm @KM76710 @MisterBGone @Ash600
Thank you for the invitation Champagne. It’s great being here every morning seeing you and all my friends!!! Plus the coffee is second to none!!!
Best about family - they drop off lunches on Sunday they made me for the whole week. Worst - they are very overprotective.
Best part of my personality - my empathy for others. Worst - I’m really shy until I get to know you.
True friend - you can tell them anything while an acquaintance - more for casual conversation .
Creative give received - my vintage Mickey Mouse cells my brother gave me last year.
I think a person can change their personality.
Standards of beauty changed over the years - emphasis on being healthy and not super skinny.
Have an amazing Sunday Champagne and everyone!!!! I’m lookin’ to find some cider and doughnuts today and start celebrating Halloween 🎃!!! Checking in on you all later!!!!!! Yell if you need me in the meantime haha!!!


Recovering Alcoholic
SF Supporter
I made my Ron White casserole this morning. I used mini tater tots. It is a pound of ground beef, a pound of sausage mixed together and browned, mix in two vidalia onions diced, two cans of cream of mushroom soup, a half pound of shredded cheese, and a container of sour cream, put in a 9x13 pan. Put tater tots on top, cover with foil and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Remove from oven, remove foil, sprinkle half pound of shredded cheese on top and bake for another 15 minutes.

Ron White Casserole.jpg

Holding my breath

SF Pro
SF Supporter
How about that, made it to the cafe twice in two days. Hope you guys are all having a relaxing Sunday.

What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?
My side of the family are really close. I have a good relationship with my sister and brother. We all look out for each other. Worst thing is the relationship between my parents, my mum hates my dad and it impacts the rest of us even now. It’s just so sad.

What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect?
Tough question, not good at good things about myself. But perhaps the best aspect is that I care. I care about everyone and just want to protect everyone I know. My worst, I have no faith in myself and always put myself last if not at all. Everyone else has to come first.

What separates true friends from acquaintances?
A true friend sticks around through thick and thin and you can say anything without being judged and you fe totally at ease with. Unfortunately I don’t really have a proper friend irl.

What is a creative gift you have given or received?
I’ve received lots of creative gifts from my kids over the years. Each and everyone was special.

Can a person change their personality?
No, I don’t think so, not really

How have standards of beauty changed over the years?
Don’t really know. I’ve never been one for fashion Or beauty

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you?
I’ll do anything for anyone if they ask (within reason of course!) Doesn't matter of they are a close friend or just someone I know. I always say yes. As for a favour for me, I rarely ask. The art is in the giving not receiving.

Take care everyone. Enjoy the coffee! Xx


SF Supporter
Hello all, welcome to the cafe. C'mon in, I have some great questions and topics for you to answer today. Join in our light hearted discussions and chill with a fancy tea or coffee...
You have a special way of opening the door Champagne and then the coffee aroma is good! its drawing me in. i’d love a cup like the one in the picture... heaven....😍

Super Sunday Seven questions... enjoy :)
Thank you... i will!!!😊

What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?
hmm, extended family i’d call my siblings’, their spouses and their kids. my family - i still think of my siblings as my family but of course i think of my wife and our kids as my family too but obviously they are 2 families really. basically i think i’m not close enough with the inlaws and kids. and my brothers are generally fairly distant though we do see regularly for holidays (this year most likely not though) and my sister, even though we do not stay in touch, not nearly as much as i think we should, i am closest with her, since we seem to share most closely childhood “difficulties”. being that close i’ve been able to disclose to her the things i’ve been having difficulty disclosing here. this is interesting to bring up because i have no idea how i can bring up this particular issue with my immediate family. i really feel as if i just can’t at all. then i think maybe i’ll be able to eventually with my kids. they were very supportive and said some really nice things to me when i posted my self harm post on facebook. so i did not exactly say exactly what the best and worst are, but i guess for my siblings/extended, it is that i can talk about my issues with my sister and she can talk about her’s and that i do have some support that way. (hoping she feels the same). for my family, we all get along and have fun even if it is kind of limited and they are family anyway so that is the strength. the down side is that my kids and wife wear headphones too much and my older son is on the other side of the country presently. and it is generally unlikely to get any of them to go for a walk with me when i go to the park.

What is the best aspect of your personality?
i think the best aspect of my personality is the part i’ve hidden for most of my life. this of course is a work in progress and soon this aspect will be someone i will share with everyone.

How about the worst aspect?
for the worst, those who know me will likely immediately jump at hijacker but i’d have to say it is “me” who you have known up to now. “me” is who kept the real me buried in a prison cell deep inside. it was not something malicious but just something from fear. hijacker on the other hand was only trying to get attention in order to get the prison door opened. hijacker is not even around much anymore. soon the best aspect of me will be present all the time.

What separates true friends from acquaintances?
i don’t think i’ve experienced true friends enough to be able to give an educated answer! i think what is most important is that a true friend is supportive of the majority of things a person needs support for while also sharing significant other interests (some or all of which may actually be those things that they support). and of course it does go both ways. an acquaintance is simply someone you know. you might even hate them or them you. hopefully not, but if you know em, you guys are acquainted. some of these acquaintances are also kind and supportive but may just not be in a convenient position to be closer or may just not feel they want to be closer to you or you to them.

What is a creative gift you have given or received?
sometimes questions like these i know i have real answers to but they just don’t come to mind at the moment when i’m trying to answer. i’ll try to get back to this later.

Can a person change their personality?
well i am a person and i do believe my personality is in the process of changing. so my answer is yes - i’m pretty sure that sooner than the end of the year, i will be able to be more exact about answering and likely other’s will be able to observe the changes also so maybe someone will say to me, “hey... “ well, i can say right now, i have generally been very pessimistic all my life and today i’m very optimistic. i’m trying to be this way as a regular thing too. and i’m not leaving everything up to chance or circumstance. i’m actively taking steps. is this me all along? or is it a change? its a work in progress anyway and to me a work in progress does represent change. i do think i’ve met people in my life who became different from the person i originally met. so i do think that the answer to this question is yes!

How have standards of beauty changed over the years?
beauty! what is beauty anyway? to me, “standards” the word, is in direct opposition to what “beauty” really is. ok, maybe styles and attitudes change and you can see it from year to year or decade to decade or century to century but whatever the time, you can still see beauty and that beauty is as you perceive it even though the beauty is there existing all along. i don’t think that changes. you the observer might change inside and see things differently but beauty remains constant ready to be recognized at any particular moment and way.

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend?
lacking friendship, maybe i have done nothing. i hope i have done something good for someone.

How about a big favor that a friend has done for you?
someone right now who i know has been listening to me. that has been a huge help. my sister did that too just the day before yesterday. maybe you have to exclude therapists but my therapist helps too. you could say she’s a paid employee, but she does “go the extra mile” i think. is that to be expected? i’m inexperienced when it comes to friendship and people and favors but i think these examples are good.

well now to enjoy the coffee and the other café specialties. thanks for the Qs Champagne, i loved trying to answer them. now to read what everyone else has to say. hoping everyone is having good positivity and sunshine...


SF Supporter
I made my Ron White casserole this morning. I used mini tater tots. It is a pound of ground beef, a pound of sausage mixed together and browned, mix in two vidalia onions diced, two cans of cream of mushroom soup, a half pound of shredded cheese, and a container of sour cream, put in a 9x13 pan. Put tater tots on top, cover with foil and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Remove from oven, remove foil, sprinkle half pound of shredded cheese on top and bake for another 15 minutes.

View attachment 38438


SF Supporter
What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family? The best thing about my immediate family is that we pretty much get along. The worst thing is they can sometimes be overbearing.

What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect? I am a fair person. I can be pretty obnoxious.

What separates true friends from acquaintances? True friends have a deep connection. Acquaintances connect on surface level stuff.

What is a creative gift you have given or received? ???

Can a person change their personality? Yes, I believe so. It comes with self-awareness. For example, I know some people find my sarcasm "off-putting" as one of my friends told me. I know a lot of it has to do with my insecurities. As I work on my character defects, my personality evolves.

How have standards of beauty changed over the years? Standards of beauty are becoming more inclusive. It's no longer just the young, blonde-haired, blue-eyed Barbie and Ken look. More sizes and complexions are celebrated as beautiful.

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you? Unfortunately, I thought I was doing a "friend" a favor, but I was being used. A big favor a friend has done for me is give me a car.


Well-Known Member
Oh my, look, it's the two of my favourite things: open quiz questions and a hangout I wasn't invited to! I absolutely need to barge in and make everyone uncomfortable.

What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?
The best thing: my mother is quite liberal and never tried to limit personal freedom of her children
The worst thing: there was a fair amount of serious conflict in my family, and caring about each other beyond the basics is simply not a thing we do.

What is the best aspect of your personality? How about the worst aspect?
I am a fairly direct and logical person. I approach things analytically rather than emotionally, and most of the time I don't mince words or sugarcoat, although I am not universally adverse to the concept of lying or omitting information, sometimes I believe it is necessary. Depending on how you look on it, it might be both the best and the worst aspect of my personality.

What separates true friends from acquaintances?
Acquaintances don't normally think of you when you're out of sight. Actual friends see you as a part of their life, feel invested in your life and think of you unprompted.

What is a creative gift you have given or received?
I transferred printed circuit patterns onto drinking glasses - that's about as creative as I can get, and I can't remember receiving any creative gifts.

Can a person change their personality?
Some aspects of it - yes, but I don't believe it is possible to fundamentally change at will.

How have standards of beauty changed over the years?
We're at our most hypocritical, I believe. There is a serious disruption between what people claim is beautiful (all shapes/sizes/complexions/ages/genders), and what is actually prominently displayed and appreciated for being beautiful (either really young girls with scientifically beautiful faces and skinny bodies, or instagramm models with facial features and body proportions simply unattainable without surgery or photomanipulation, with some really unusual-looking people sprinkled in here and there to demonstrate inclusivity, and everyone else simply overlooked).

What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you?
Oh my...Aside from NSFW stuff (me and favours, that's a sad subject), the biggest favour I've done was probably taking a loan to help out a friend. The biggest favour a friend has done for me was probably extensively lying to our boss to keep me from being fired.
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