Dont you ever say you dont deserve life. You were born for a reason i do belive. You are still here so to me it means you have not yet completed what it is you are suppose to do. Do you know what has made you feel this way? I know its hard to pin point exactly but any rough ideas? By reading this you must care aabout your family even just the slighest. You dont want to leave them with debt - thats good of you. How are you paying it? Are you quite on top of it or falling ebhind in paying it? If so the sooner you talk to a professional like at the bank, the sooner they know and can help you. Dont suffer insilence because you will get yourself into a deeper hole and it will be so much harder to get out off. Music helps you? Me too. Hold on to that. Why not try writing your own? Anyone can write music, it coems from inside of you. You must have a lot of emotion and feeling right now, write it down. Take up an instrument. I took up playing the guityar, it helped me focused and gave me something to aim for like learning a new song from one of my favourite bands. This all seems hard right now but once you start doing one thing, it will become easier in time. I promise really. I have been in similar situations and im still here to tell the tale. Now that is sying something, you CAN and WILL get through this. We all need help sometimes, let us in. I know your trying to. You know you need a little push right now, thanks for writing here instead of just giving up.
Why not try new stuff? Just a sport or hobby. Anything that may have an appeal to you. Like i said at the end of the last paragraph. We all need help sometimes, we are human. Dont feel guilty for feeling like this. Yes there may be people worse off than you - there always is, but you are not them. You lead your own life and we all slip. Its what we do when we are at our lowest that proves to everyone out there how strong we really are. Please dont give up. This is easier said than done, but it can be done. Please if you ever want to talk message me - i have msn and a few other things. Donrt give up just yet. Im here and so are others.
Good luck. :smile: