Hey there, Saddo......I am very happy to know you took a step forawrd for yourself by attempting to get help/support/friends then just take your whole life and future away from yourself and others in it.
Although, I am sorry that you felt bad enough to find this site as most do...you probably typed "Suicide" or "Suicidal" in the search google or whatever. That how most of us found it I am assuming.
But try not to hold back, theres nothing to be to shy about around us, this is a place to get and give support you can vent and make friends and share advice and ways of healthy coping.
I am always here for you if you need a friend of just someone to talk to....don't feel you would trouble me by PMing me because you won't. If you would like my MSN or Yahoo the ID's for those two are in my profile, feel free to message me or add me..... :hug: :hug: :flowers:
~Carolyn :rose: