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Just to say hi

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Just thought Id say Hi
Ive been diagnosed with deep depression coupled with agoraphobia(fear of people) or more to the point crowds of people. Ive Been in hospital and had est for the depression. Ive been to more doctors then I care to remember all of them seem to palm me off to someone else,
Suicide is a constant thought I live with it every day. My friends have proven to be more of acquaints then friends , I suppose I can't blame them just thought if you are there in their time of need it would be reciprocated

Anyway thats enough of the sad stuff

Hope today finds you well and wish the best to all who dwell here

Forgive my gramma


Staff Alumni
hi umkulu and welcome...your writing is quite good so please do not worry...sorry you are feeling so sad, and as you wished others, I hope your journey is more peaceful as well...big hugs and let us know how you are doing, Jackie


Staff Alumni
I would like to welcome you to the forum. I am sorry you have those kinds of feelings. They put us in an awful place. You are kind to wish others well evn through your struggles. I hope you are able to find some relief in talking with the wonderful people here. I look forward to seeing more of you around the forum. Take care. :hug:
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