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Just Upset

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Well-Known Member
im just..not feeling myself lately. and i really have no reason to be unhappy at this moment in my life. yet i still am. i just, i get happy, and then someone is there to bring me down. and i know what happened this time to make me feel this way..well somewhat feel this way. yet i cant even tell that person, because its such a stupid reason to be upset you know? sigh..i just wish that i could get over this shit..and yet i cant. oh well..this is just more of a thought post.


Well-Known Member
hey shatteredsoul
don't worry about how you're feeling at the moment hun...eventually it passes. I know, because i've been through it before and i'm going through it again. I start to feel happy like nothing is going to go wrong and then one tiny little thing happens and thats it, my days ruined, i'm left in a bad mood for ages...this ring any bells with you?
Im here to talk if you got anything you want to get off your chest hun
take care


Active Member
i feel like I should be happy to,,, im just not,, i dont know why,, but life just seems so hard sometimes,, its full of things i just dont want to do,, and the things I want to do,, I cant,,, So stay strong,, if you want to chat,, you can instant messge me at,, ms messenger- [email protected]
im just..not feeling myself lately. and i really have no reason to be unhappy at this moment in my life. yet i still am. i just, i get happy, and then someone is there to bring me down. and i know what happened this time to make me feel this way..well somewhat feel this way. yet i cant even tell that person, because its such a stupid reason to be upset you know? sigh..i just wish that i could get over this shit..and yet i cant. oh well..this is just more of a thought post.
was it me?
just to clear things up, i wrote the last post, because i thought that i had done something wrong. I...was having a mental breakdown, read your post, and blamed myself. Are you doing okay?
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