And when beautiful ppl here says that they have no self esteem I just can never understand that. PPL who are popular, have good relationships, have good material possessions, have good careers, have a good life overall and still they complain.
What would they do if they have a life that I am having right now, unemployed, overweight, stupid and dumb, no car, shit life, no social life.
PPL complain about their social life yet they go to bars clubs parties whatever more than i do. I can count the number of times I went to a night club probably on two hands alone!!!
PPL like that complain just because just one thing went wrong. Like BF issues woopiee doo doo.
And what about in my case when I have been suffering all my life and everything else is going wrong, not just one but everything.
PPL come here they want to commit suicide just cause there is one thing wrong with their lives.
I have a million things wrong going in my life right now. on top of this I have depression serious depression and that prevents me from making any attempts to sort my shit out.
I am done with life and ppl who constantly whinge about how hard their life. How do u think that makes me feel???
The loneliest among the lonely.