"You look beautiful" means nothing unless you believe it
So stop telling me that tight black dress looks good on me because honestly I feel disgusting in it
And it's too tight around my belly to the point where it makes me want to puke everything I ever ate
And stop telling me "love yourself" like it's some magical potion that's gonna fix everything
And please stop telling me that I have been "too negative to be around" lately, you have no fucking clue how much of a burden I already feel
Stop expressing that you are tired of my energy
I am tired of my energy
I am emotionally exhausted
it's hard enough I put people's comfort before mine unintentionally
it's how I'm wired
and I'm stubborn as fuck
So I know it's nice of you to genuinely say and mean it but
don't tell me I look beautiful in that fucking dress
and don't tell me to love myself
because that only reminds me of how much I can't stand myself
So stop telling me that tight black dress looks good on me because honestly I feel disgusting in it
And it's too tight around my belly to the point where it makes me want to puke everything I ever ate
And stop telling me "love yourself" like it's some magical potion that's gonna fix everything
And please stop telling me that I have been "too negative to be around" lately, you have no fucking clue how much of a burden I already feel
Stop expressing that you are tired of my energy
I am tired of my energy
I am emotionally exhausted
it's hard enough I put people's comfort before mine unintentionally
it's how I'm wired
and I'm stubborn as fuck
So I know it's nice of you to genuinely say and mean it but
don't tell me I look beautiful in that fucking dress
and don't tell me to love myself
because that only reminds me of how much I can't stand myself