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"Love yourself"

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Active Member
"You look beautiful" means nothing unless you believe it
So stop telling me that tight black dress looks good on me because honestly I feel disgusting in it
And it's too tight around my belly to the point where it makes me want to puke everything I ever ate
And stop telling me "love yourself" like it's some magical potion that's gonna fix everything
And please stop telling me that I have been "too negative to be around" lately, you have no fucking clue how much of a burden I already feel
Stop expressing that you are tired of my energy
I am tired of my energy
I am emotionally exhausted
it's hard enough I put people's comfort before mine unintentionally
it's how I'm wired
and I'm stubborn as fuck
So I know it's nice of you to genuinely say and mean it but
don't tell me I look beautiful in that fucking dress
and don't tell me to love myself
because that only reminds me of how much I can't stand myself
Sjoe, FiveAs, I feel your pain. I know what it's like to look at yourself in the mirror and not like what you see. I know what it's like to feel unlovable. Maybe it will help to remind yourself that at least you still have someone around you telling you these things as opposed to being completely alone and isolated ON TOP of how you feel about yourself. Anyway, I hope you manage to find some peace and serenity over this Easter Weekend. Charlie


Active Member
Sjoe, FiveAs, I feel your pain. I know what it's like to look at yourself in the mirror and not like what you see. I know what it's like to feel unlovable. Maybe it will help to remind yourself that at least you still have someone around you telling you these things as opposed to being completely alone and isolated ON TOP of how you feel about yourself. Anyway, I hope you manage to find some peace and serenity over this Easter Weekend. Charlie
Thank you :) It means a lot, you are right.
I'm exactly like this. It's not easy to just "love yourself" right off the bat. I'm able to tolerate it now but I still don't love myself. People think it's some magic word. Sometimes all we need is to feel understand not be told "your beautiful" especially when we don't feel it. Your not aloneπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
I'm exactly like this. It's not easy to just "love yourself" right off the bat. I'm able to tolerate it now but I still don't love myself. People think it's some magic word. Sometimes all we need is to feel understand not be told "your beautiful" especially when we don't feel it. Your not aloneπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
Hi Perky, I think it's also maybe because of the
Hi Perky, I think it's also maybe because of the stereotypical (or is it archetypal??) conditioning of men causing them to think, or maybe feel as if they are expected, to always tell woman that they are beautiful. Even if or when, they are no longer. Which is a terrible burden for guys as well I would imagine. However guys are objectified every bit as much as women actually, and I think western societies are very unhealthily attuned to looks and the material.
I'm exactly like this. It's not easy to just "love yourself" right off the bat. I'm able to tolerate it now but I still don't love myself. People think it's some magic word. Sometimes all we need is to feel understand not be told "your beautiful" especially when we don't feel it. Your not aloneπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
Hi Perky, I think it's also maybe because of the stereotypical (or is it archetypal??) conditioning of men causing them to think, or maybe feel as if they are expected, to always tell woman that they are beautiful. Even if or when, they are no longer. Which is a terrible burden for guys as well I would imagine. However guys are objectified every bit as much as women actually, and I think western societies are very unhealthily attuned to looks and the material.
That's a good point! I never thought of the other side. We should teach society that it's okay to be single that you don't need a relationship to be happy or to have worth. I feel we should teach people to just be honest and not put pressure on silly things.
Hi Perky, I think it's also maybe because of the stereotypical (or is it archetypal??) conditioning of men causing them to think, or maybe feel as if they are expected, to always tell woman that they are beautiful. Even if or when, they are no longer. Which is a terrible burden for guys as well I would imagine. However guys are objectified every bit as much as women actually, and I think western societies are very unhealthily attuned to looks and the material.
As to being truly happy whilst being single - pheew. That is a tough one. I've been single for a decade now, and while I have managed a reasonable amount of joy, despite being single, I cannot say that I've ever felt true happiness, and there has always been this inescapable feeling of emptiness in the back of my mind. I do not know why our wellbeing -and indeed our life's accomplishments- have to be so utterly tied to being able to secure the loving endearment of a life partner, but I do not think that there is any true fulfilment to be had without it. And in that regard it's a misery ...


romantic bastard
"You look beautiful" means nothing unless you believe it
So stop telling me that tight black dress looks good on me because honestly I feel disgusting in it
And it's too tight around my belly to the point where it makes me want to puke everything I ever ate
And stop telling me "love yourself" like it's some magical potion that's gonna fix everything
And please stop telling me that I have been "too negative to be around" lately, you have no fucking clue how much of a burden I already feel
Stop expressing that you are tired of my energy
I am tired of my energy
I am emotionally exhausted
it's hard enough I put people's comfort before mine unintentionally
it's how I'm wired
and I'm stubborn as fuck
So I know it's nice of you to genuinely say and mean it but
don't tell me I look beautiful in that fucking dress
and don't tell me to love myself
because that only reminds me of how much I can't stand myself
hey...these are the exact things i have always wanted to shout at everyone around me. including parents...i just wanted to send a hug.. <3


Active Member
I'm exactly like this. It's not easy to just "love yourself" right off the bat. I'm able to tolerate it now but I still don't love myself. People think it's some magic word. Sometimes all we need is to feel understand not be told "your beautiful" especially when we don't feel it. Your not aloneπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
Yes exactly! It's much harder than people think. Thank you <3
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