My dreams

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I sometimes write down dreams so I will remember them. I'll post what I've written in this thread, translated to english, obviously. Feel free to psychoanalyse me.
This one was on the night of the 30th of October last year:

I was in a desert with a funny name, and I saw [name from real life]'s journal or book, maybe a book of photos. Anyway, there was a picture of her in it where she was very pale. She mentioned [name of real life person that I haven't seen or thought about for many, many years], or there was a photo of him.

In the desert there was a small cave entrance in the rocks. I crawled through it [I've written "Meep Meep" here, WTF] The tunnel ended in a car.[Yup, crawled through a desert tunnel and suddenly I was in a car!] I was in a city or town centre. I entered a store, where the owner was sitting in a lawn chair, but exited it because it looked "Shabby". [and here comes the emotionally powerful stuff that made me write this dream down:] I lived with a family.
[I was some kind of troubled and lonely drifter and they gave me a place to live and sympathy]
It consisted of a father, maybe a mother(she wasn't very prominent) and two daughters. At least at one point the father was the owner of the shabby store. The two girls were my age(think I was a teenager of about 17 in my dream) and they were very nice. The whole family was amazing. Here was I, an emotionally troubled drifter with some strange purpose,
[Oh yeah, the purpose, I should have mentioned that. It may have been an undefined purpose at first but it ended up being to find the desert I had crawled through the tunnel from. The whole desert thing was now retroactively changed, as often happens in dreams, to be a dream within the dream, so my purpose walking though the world alone was to find a place I had seen in a dream], I didn't know where I was(and I told them I didn't know where I was), I was obviously stuggling with mental problems and was maybe homeless or had run away from home, and they took me in and treated me as part of the family, with an incredible warmth. We watched a movie together, the family and the stranger with mental problems that none of them seemed uncomfortable with.

Then my dad was there, he had found me. He was in the kitchen eating one of my sandwiches. I got pissed of at him.
My father was then going to take me to the place I had seen in my dreams.
When we exited the family's home, it was the house and the street I had spent my first 17 years in IRL. It was some sort of illusion, I was actually standing outside the family's house and not my old on, and I had to picture the street outside their house in my head to figure out the true way. When I found it, my father suggested we went in the other direction than the one I had found, because it lead to the same place and took just as long. I resused, it was out of the question to not go the way I had used my wits to find. I (maybe angrily) made my father drive me around looking for the place I had seen in the "dream".I realized then just what I was doing, looking for a place from a dream, and doubted myself. My father had gone along with it, indulging my delusions, maybe out of fear because I got so angry and intense about it.

That was it. Or was it? The wonderful family from this dream made a cameo in one of the mini-dreams that followed.

I was at school. The mother of one of the guys I went to class with in the Norwegian equivalent to elementary school was the teacher. I drew on her leg with a pen while in a trance. I tried to get her alone in what was nowthe kitchen of a real life place I've often been during summer, in order to apologize. Eventually gave up trying to get her alone and just apologized in public. She said she would never think I could (do such a thing consciously?) I missed the family, especially the girls.
[and here I've written "Theater-not for me". Don't know what that was about]

Next mini-dream:

I was on a bus, in the front a girl from real life was talking to the busdriver. Sitting next to me was one of the worst bullies(also from real life) from youth school. He was saying sexual things about the girl. I got sick of him and said that if he was going to talk like that he would have to sit somewhere else.
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I dreamt I was going to the US, and there was a "occupy wallstreet" times a million, and it was about to become civil war.
I was with a crew of people, some of whom are from real life elementary school. I think they got killed one by one brutally, but I can't remember them getting killed. I remember thinking how it was cool that "they" weren't afraid to kill off characters we'd known for so long.
One member, not from real life, but in the dream from elementary school nonetheless, talked to a homeless person, then picked up a bomb from a bag the homeless person had and set it off, killing only the homeless person. When me and the rest of the crew expressed shock and horror at what he had done, this guy explained what a horrible person (bomb maker etc) this homeless person had been.
At one point they were sitting and saying vulgar sexual things, and talking about some of the sexual things a "crew" member who was elsewhere had done. Then I started to hate them and wanted them dead.
Dreamt I was spying for some reason. The person who'd order me to "spy" was my Norwegian teacher from VGS. I was implanted in a sort of compound where relatives lived in houses close to eachother with their own families. Someone was attacking them, surrounding the compound and holding everybody captive.
I returned to school and tried to find my teacher(s) to report this information (Due to dream logic, I wasn't held captive and made it out "off screen"). I felt embarassed when I found out they already knew. They were afraid everyone in the compound would be killed.
Haha I dreamt of SF tonight. All the "cool kids" were leaving for another site, a place where they kept playing this awful popular song. Both SF and the other site were physical places in my dream. The beds were shabby and there were bugs and the people who had already moved were unbearable in the new place. I ran back to SF. Had to explain I didn't like the other place and everyone thought I was crazy, and we fell out. haha someone I was in hospital with when I was 15, right before I joined this site, was among the SF crowd. There were no actual members from here in my dreams, just shadow figures.

That is how eventful my life is. I dream of a website I visit a lot.
Always the same cliff. I remember that part. How the characters in my dream always ended up hanging from the same cliff. It had happened before. They were looking for something, it was difficult cause there were gates. A long drive to get to the place you started looking. And they always ended up hanging from the same cliff.
Wow this has become like a second diary!
Tonight I dreamt I was beaten and shot at least twice. There was a woman cheering the guy doing it on. When he was gone she acted all innocent. I looked down and saw that even though I was sure he had hit me, I had no bullet holes and was not bleeding.
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This TV show that was made for one specific trainline, it was only shown on the train and each episode was as long as the trainride (45 minutes). It was a very emotionally powerful series. There was a new episode. It was interesting cause all these people on the train were watching the show together, some were crying...

The trainride ended, and I was in this crazy city. Had to climb rooftops. After rounding a corner on the rooftops and seeing I had to round another corner on a ledge, my family was suddenly crazy (I actually thought of the Addams family in the dream), they had already rounded that corner on the ledge and were telling me to do it, no concern for my safety. Then I think it was my sister who said that I could also jump through the wall to the other side. I saw there was this strange "window" (not really a window, it was wooden with strange patterns). I dived through that window, was in a room...I seem to have an idea there were witches there, but can't remember that specifically...I do remember there were dangerous mouse-sized rats (I just knew they were rats) that I had to kill by smashing them with something or they would eat me. Made it through to the other side, jumped and landed just on the metal beams of a glass ceiling! I felt so smart when the glass broke yet I didn't fall. Underneath the glass ceiling was a nice restaurant...I crushed some more glass ceiling because I could. There was a christmas party there. I think this was my destination. There was this guy clutching his chest and walking away quickly saying something like "I have to get this" so I thought it was a phone call and not his heart. Some elderly man said merry Christmas.
I had a dream tonight where I watched someone get executed by the electric chair and now I'm watching John Oliver talk about execution in the US.

Just a reminder that although the US might seem relatable at times it's still a fucking insane and fucked up place, and not exactly very down to earth. But then again I don't think any places are down to earth. Maybe Singapore? I'll probably feel differently if I learn more about that promised land.
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Tonight I dreamt something about being in a store and walking past two people, gender unknown; they coulda been a guy and a girl or two guys or two girls or two robots, who knows; as they were talking about having discovered someone in the store doing something bad. At first it was stealing, but then a few "seconds" later it had changed, the way reality in dreams so often change, to selling alcohol (that they just picked from the fridges in the store and sold, the dream did have some plotholes) to minors. The couple were going to confront them. I tagged along with my phone, intending to catch the culprits on film as they got busted and upload it to news sites or something. The confronters thought this was fun. And so upstairs we went (Because suddenly this was happening upstairs in what was not a store at all, it was old and wooden and a good location for horror movies). But just as we reached the top of the stairs and were going to go through a door and confront them, I was distracted. On the handrails were a lot of drinks. Martinis, mojitos, unknown clear drinks with ice and without. I think the two others went on as I stayed, but who knows, I was so not paying attention anymore. I started drinking. Quickly. I realized I had probably drunk too much and was going to have a bad time, and started going downstairs again.

Funeral. There were buses driving on the sides inside the church. One bus tipped over where the coffin was, but hit another bus and straightened itself up again.

People were sitting at a long dining table and chatting and I was in the pews, telling them we were supposed to sit in the pews but they wouldn't listen.
I noticed the coffin was gone.
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Comet or something was getting closer and closer to Earth and if it didn't stop within a few days, it would kill fifteen million people. And there was no guarantee it would stop, and nothing to suggest it would stop its approach to Earth even after it had killed the fifteen million from oxygen depravation or whatever either, it could crash for all I knew. I hoped if I survived, my family would survive.
I had traveled to some countryside place. Away from the cities. There were monsters, mythical creatures. Like the Alien in the Alien series, only not at all. Probably inspired by watching Let's Plays of Alien Isolation.

These mythical creatures were like the mythical creatures we know from real life, in that most people thought they were rubbish and only some people, who were considered new age or lying for attention, had testified seeing or believing in them.
They were big and black. I thought of them as man-eating giraffes (because of a joke I made about that in my diary, though I do think I made that joke after having had a dream about making that joke!) only they weren't giraffes, of course.

We (I was part of a group, of course, friends, my best dreams always involve me being part of a group) were in a big house, a mansion.
The mythical creature, the monster, had entered the house during the night. I was alone in the hallway outside my room at this time, the others were in the house, but not where I was, we had all gone to sleep in our rooms. It was terrifying. I was scared, but I decided I would fight the monster ( I thought I knew a way to do that.) I heard it coming closer, and closer, and closer, it made scary noises, the footsteps became louder. When it was very close (I was sure it was just about to turn the corner) I ran into my room and hid under my bed. But the lights were still on. It would see the lights and know I was in there. So I crawled out from under the bed again and turned off the lights. Back under the bed. I saw I had missed some of the lights, crawled out again, turned them off. This may have happened several times.
The monster was just outside the door now. I heard a baby crying. I held my hands to my ears for a long time, blocking out both the monster and the baby crying. Finally, I got out from under the bed, maybe something made me get out, maybe not.
The baby crying was my son. A son I was not taking responsibility for. I was leaving the responsibility to others. My father was there. I realized what must have happened. I asked my father if my son had seen the monster. He confirmed he had. He was smiling and seemed relaxed about it all.
I picked up my son and hugged him. He stopped crying. Turns out (don't know how I discovered this, I think I just suddenly "knew" they way you tend to know convenient plot points in dreams) the monster had tried to enter my room, but I had barricaded it too well.
My group and I traveled back to the city. At the airport, I fully realized I had seen a mythical, legendary creature most people didn't believe in. Felt special.
A couple of years ago I had this dream.

It was a nostalgic dream, nostalgia about a time that never was. I had had friends. One of them was a cheery, blonde girl called Legs. She wasn't called Legs because of her legs, I don't remember anything about her legs, her name/nickname was just Legs and she had been a dear friend.
Of course, in real life I never had any dear friends. But in this dream it was an emotional memory of a time when I had actually had friends.

Legs was clearly inspired by a girl in my "International English" class. One of the few people I spoke to in secondary school. I had just met her when I had the dream.
From then on, my secret nickname for this girl was Legs.
A member on here was Joe Pesci in real life. They were flying a plane. The plane ran on corn/maize. in the back of the plane there was a tap. Just a regular water tap, only it was connected to the corn. I turned the tap either on or off. I don't think anything came out of it before or after but now the plane's fuel, corn, was shut off and the plane went into a dive. The member/Joe Pesci screamed at me "Are you really going to crash this plane if you don't get your way?!!". I replied "YES!". They gave into my demands, whatever they were, but because of the dive I had fallen forward/down in the plane and had to climb back up to the back quickly to turn off/on the tap again. I think I was successful.
Had been to a party(WHAT. THE. FUCK. I would never) but at least it had been "mild" and not very party-like, had not been upsetting, rather nice actually. Said my goodbyes, and left. It was downtown at night, couldn't grasp how much time had passed. At the busstop, something happened, don't remember what, but I think it was nice and involved me connecting with people. Waited a long time for the bus, hoped buscards still worked at night on thursdays (it was a Thursday!) had heard they didn't. It did. Something also happened on the bus, again don't remember what but it was cool and it was like a community being built. Wish I remember what, it was really cool, got a feeling it was some epic story. I do know the busdriver was central to the story. He was an elderly man... I can't remember more atm. Bwaa emote (on mobile)
Tafjord rocks fell, everyone died. Yami. Darkness. Evacuation on other mountains. Ski lifts. Dark house, people were gone, dead, others traumatized, acting different. Ehem not saying. Ghost. Trevor had something to do with rocks, lazy building. Pretty cool during evacuation of other mountains, like a community, belonging. Scary when rocks fell. Wave.
Ok so this one, night to yesterday.
Woke up and didn't have pen and paper or my computer, so wrote keywords in my diary on here on my mobile, so I would remember.
I guess the place was Tafjord only it didn't look like it, it was smaller and more walled in. I went back and forth between being the characters in my dream and observing them and knowing what they were thinking. I, Øyvind, was a character in the dream too, but I was never me, I just observed me, my thoughts and actions.

Part of the mountain collapsed. Giant rocks fell into the water and on land too, I think. Everyone died. So many died. Youtubers people liked died. Most people in the village died. I think I was one guy when the rocks fell and it was terrifying, loud noises, darkness and death, everything was just gone in an instant. Later in the dream "I" learned that someone, at one point it was Trevor from GTA 5, had worked in the mountains and had been sloppy wand not "glued" stones that were part of the mountain, which contributed to the structural weakness of the mountain. It was now clear that all the mountains (don't want to say "nearby" because don't know if they were, maybe they were all the mountains in the dreamworld, I dunno, it's hazy, would probably not remember this dream at all if I hadn't written those keywords) had dangerous structural weaknesses of the same type. So the mountains were evacuated hastily. Further disasters were imminent.
During the evactuations there was again that wonderful feeling of community which is in all of my good dreams. Of belonging. Common purpose. Columns of people walking, on an epic trek down the big mountains, their lives in danger. One person who I "became" left by a ski lift. It was abandoned, no one else was there and a fog of snow blocked his vision beyond a couple of meters. It was still special.
There was great shock and sadness at the carnage in "Tafjord", so many people gone. Yamimash, the youtuber(whose videos I don't even like, just watched a couple of them recently) was dead, he was a ghost and I don't think he realized he was dead.
Then there was that Øyvind character. It's so bizarre that I wasn't me, that "Øyvind" was just one of many characters. He was one of the few survivors in Tafjord. Everything was dark. He was in an old mansion. Somehow getting out of Tafjord/up into the mountains and away was the same as getting to the top of the mansion. Walking past rooms, not seeing anything, but I, the observer, knew there were dead bodies everywhere. Past rooms where people had stayed before the disaster. Where they now either weren't, or their bodies were in, and in one or more cases there were rooms where the people who he had lived with (quite a lot of people, apparantly) were still in but they were "different", traumatized by what had happened, and he couldn't approach them. I think maybe I "became" me for that last part.
The "ehem not saying" part I will ehem not say too much about now either. But I think at this part I was either still in the part of the dream where Øyvind slowly climbed the floors of the mansion and had become him/me, or it was later and unrelated. I wasn't an observer anymore, at least, I was the person, whether that was me/Øyvind or if I just was. Maybe it was a different dream altogether. I don't know. I do know this was also in a mansion with many rooms and something had changed, so I think it was the same dream and I was me and was still in the same mansion. There were beds and another character and that's all I'm going to say, mkay

Pretty cool dream. The community feeling, being part of something and not being lonely, the danger and excitement. Better than real life, that's for sure! SO much better! I want to go back
So what if a lot of people died :wacko: Everyone dies sometime, kiddo.
It was an adventure. That's what I want in life. Adventure.
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Was looking for a place to stay when going to Denver and I decided I would live in prison. As in I would go to prison. It seemed like a good deal to me.
Went there and didn't like it, I had to wear that orange uniform and I was very much a prisoner, which I felt stupid for not having realized before I went.
So, I decided, it was time for a prison break.
Escaped with others, helped them across a series of rivers, killed guards and police like it was a videogame.
wow a year-10 days since I last posted here. Had a bunch of dreams tonight for the first time in forever.
wrote down keywords on my phone as soon as I woke up from them, but autocorrect messed some of them up.

here's one:
fly mamma iriterwndd. Embraer. Gresk ly dårlig vann Napoleon bodde her.
Atombombe det gjør vondt hater Russland vil bombe USA tri state California
yikes ok let's try to remember.
translation first
plane mom irritating(typing on mobile will cause the occational wndd). Embraer. Greek...shelter? (dafuq) bad water Napoleon lived here.
Nuclear bomb it hurts hate russia want to bomb USA tri state California
ok here we go:
I was on one of those small Embraer planes that I flew to and from San Francisco with back in the good old days of late 2015. I don't know where I was going but my mom was being annoying because...I don't remember everything, I do remember she didn't understand anything I was saying and was trying to leave the place right before pushback to buy kiwis, I had to argue with her to not do that but she did it anyway. For some reason our flight couldn't continue (maybe it has to do with what happened in a following dream and I just got the sequence of things mixed up) so it got diverted to a small greek island where no one lived. "bad water" I guess meant we couldn't drink the water? My mother wasn't with me anymore at this point, I was traveling alone again. yeah I don't remember much of this part but it sorta became a humanitarian situation cause of no drinking water and...I guess that was it. boredom? walked around at the surrounding balconies of the second floor of the hotel where us plane passengers were stranded at night (we were there for weeks btw) and a middle aged woman talked about how Napoleon had lived in her room but she didn't care because it was so awful here. fogs were was foggy all over the planet.

then there's the nuclear bomb thing which I thought was in a following dream but maybe not? I feel like it was though.
back on a plane (yay!) . Alone this time. suddenly a country got nuked! while we were in the air (would make a great premise for a movie or short story). because it's a dream and it doesn't have to make sense or be consistent, I "saw" a flash of it happening, an old woman saying "it hurts so much" while the blast happened. I was horrified. Found out, still on the plane, that the country that had gotten nuked was a South American country and that consensus was the Russians wouldn't nuke in that area, so it must have been the Americans. Outraged, horrified, I could still feel the anger when waking up, I thought we need to go to war against the US, we need to do air strikes against the "tri state California area" (lol! I know that's not a thing, but the words "tri state" snuck into my dream) where the attack eminated from, or where the people responsible were, or whatever. In the middle of my anger and everyone calling for war I remembered "I've been to California...those fake bastards!" lol
then we found out that it had in fact been the Russians so now I hated Russia and wanted us to go to war against them, the americans were cool again.
but yeah, me and a bunch of people on a plane were in the air when the first strike of world war 3 happened, that was pretty neat. I'd like to see a movie like that. Or read a short story like that. wish I remembered more.
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