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my life sucks but i can win


Has a monkey as a friend
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most people on this site have a lot of issues some serious some not so bad. most are long term or permanent. so how can we survive when our life sucks in one way or another. i think we all have an inner strength that we can draw on to get through the hard times. if you can tell us the issues that you're fighting and how do you get through living your life how it is...mike


Has a monkey as a friend
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ok i'll start. most people know but i suffer chronc pain, severe copd, diabetes, depression, anxiety and other issues.

here is how i survive and actually thrive at times, of course i also falter sometimes lol

1. my wife is always there
2. my kids
3. SF
4. my mind. i have to keep reminding myself of the joy that i have.
5. god i hope that there is a heaven and i fear hell
6. i always have hope that things can improve
7. anything i forgot lol
8. oops forgot to mention meds
9. and friends
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Well-Known Member
I struggle with bi polar manic depression anxiety night terrors self harm trendies and sever complex ptsd

I get through this
1. My daughter
2. My very very close friends
3. SF
4. Therapy
5. Holding onto the good memories and moments
6. Feel the presence of my angel daughter and my brothers spirit with me
7 fear of going to hell and never being with my family agao


Well-Known Member
(1) My mother and sister.
(2) My job which provides me food and other necessities.
(3)Fear of continuing my suffering in the afterlife.
(4) If I suicide, I will never ever get to see my mother and sister.
(5) All those SF friends like you.


Has a monkey as a friend
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(1) My mother and sister.
(2) My job which provides me food and other necessities.
(3)Fear of continuing my suffering in the afterlife.
(4) If I suicide, I will never ever get to see my mother and sister.
(5) All those SF friends like you.
thank you

Human Ex Machinae

Void Where Prohibited
The long term prognosis for all of us is not good. This just in to SFNews: "We're all going to die, and life really sucks. Video after the commercial break"

How I survive: Taking life one minute at a time. All of my past is too much to process. And the future is just an unread story. Being alive is a breeze in one minute chunks.


Well-Known Member
As some may know I suffer from Lupus and alot of issues come with that I am in constant pain thru my whole body and I know it's only going to get worse with no cure also suffer with depression anxiety nightmares from abuse with my ex-husband

Here is how I survive and push on even though I do have days I want to give up because of pain

1. My husband
2. My parents
3. Family and friends
4. May cats they make me laugh
5. Afraid of what will happen to the ones I love after I die.
6. I want to make a positive impact in the world haven't done that yet.
7. Taking one day at a time.
8. SF
9. I just keep telling myself I'm not done there are people that still need my help.
10. I keep saying that I've gone through hell already I can't quit now.


Misknown Member
My life is a state of chronic. Chronic illness: lupus and fibro. Chronic depression. Chronic anxiety. The only thing that's not chronic is health and happiness.

My fiance helps a lot. Sometimes it is hard for me to admit because relying on another human being so much is terrifying but it's true.

Through my moodiness and my pain and my unsolicited crying, he is there. To offer even the simplest of solutions that honestly had never occurred to me. Your eyes are stinging and burning? Here let me order you an eye mask that switches from hot to cold. Will it cure the symptom? No. But it will lessen the effect.

And more examples like this. He will encourage me, make me feel brave, ambitious, talented and anyone with a chronic condition knows how much it alters all of these traits. How much you feel like sludge so much of the time. Who the hell has this ability? He does it so seamlessly... as if it's not even in question. As if it was always true all along & hes just the messenger.

Art, music, books have kept me going and lately stand up comedy. What a relief from the constant drudgery of shit.

food... not in an obvious yeah we need food to survive way but in ...huh... this makes life at least 15% worth living.

determination and moments of relief... moments.

pain killers. Lots of pain killers.

And yes... coming from the little voice that is rarely ever heard, inner strength.


My Toughest Problem Has Been Solved.
SF Supporter
All the others in my family have died. So I'm the only survivor. But I still want to stay alive because I'm not alone. I have my therapist and I have the wonderful people at the clinic who help me. What I do is participate in the social activities which are a part of the occupational therapy at the clinic. The other clients have mental disorders too, so sometimes it gets hairy. But things are kept under control by the wonderful staff. So no matter how upset I get, it's those Social activities that keep me alive.

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