My old budgie


Well-Known Member
He passed away during the night. I noticed this morning that he didn't say "yeeeeees" in Swedish like he always do, and he was lying dead when I checked the birdcage. He looks no longer like a fat feather ball, he's so terribly thin when dead :cry: poor old friend

He'd been around for 10 years, I'll truly miss him...
i'm extremely sorry to hear about your budgie :(
i was recently in the process of moving and during one of the nights someone left my bird's cage open and he flew out in the dark, hitting a wall and getting caught for (what we assume was) hours between my bookcase and the wall. when we got to him he was still alive, but we took him to the vet.
they said he'd be fine, but he died the next day after having brought him home.
He was the one constant factor in my life.
no matter what shit i was dealing with in terms of parents or girlfriend or friends he was the one thing that would remain ignorantly blissful.
i made a box and we held a littl funeral.
days later i noticed the rain had exposed his casket and some animals had gotten at him :(
i only had my budgie for 6 years
i can only imagine how awful you feel.
i am terribly sorry for your loss, and know that i feel your pain.
you'll get through this, and just have to remember how happy your bird made you.
another bird will never be the same, but that's not to say getting a new one won't bring you happiness
i wish you the best of luck in your mourning and remember that while this sucks so fucking hard right now, life will go on and you will learn to remember and smile instead of crying :)


Antiquities Friend
Staff Alumni
10 years, a good age for a budgie. He must have been much loved and well looked after.
Remember this, you gave him a good and happy life and he passed peacefully, probably in his sleep.
It's always sad when a much loved pet passes on, remember the good times. :hug:


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone... The bird in the freezer right now, because of all the snow. I can't do much about that, but it still feels a little wrong.

My grandfathers condition is worse than ever, I fear that the worst might hit us soon. It feels like everybody passes away now... :cry:

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