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Need to talk to someone

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I haven't been able to work out what I wanted to say but I think that it is this:
I need to talk to some people who know where I'm coming from, as in, really know where I'm coming from. I seem to have become distant from my friends, and my girlfriend and I are having a really bad patch at the moment. She is upset, and I want to help. But I can't do anything.
I need to talk to people who know what I feel like and who can relate.
I am 22, male and study in London.
I don't know what the point is in doing anything sometimes, yet I am so priviledged.
If there is anyone else roughly the same age, similar situation, anything, please post back.
I need to talk about what gets me down, and I want to listen to others just as much - because it helps me.


I do know, it's so hard to explain it all. I never seem to have the proper time to talk to anyone anymore what with work now and then going back to uni.
This is really getting me down.
Hey. I'm from London (pretty much) and i'm 19 and i'm in pretty much the same situation as you: Girlfriend (just broken up), feeling a bit distant from friends. PM if you want to talk.

I need someone to talk to as well. I have MSN.
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Thank you everyone for replying. I don't get much time to get to the computer but if I can I'd like to talk more, maybe in the community bit or msn if you have it.
beans said:
Thank you everyone for replying. I don't get much time to get to the computer but if I can I'd like to talk more, maybe in the community bit or msn if you have it.
Hey, i added you on MSN. I'm going through similar things as you and i'd love to have someone to speak to about it. It would be cool to help you as well.
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