:hug: I know what it is like to experience painful flashbacks. How to make them stop? There are techniques that can be developed over time to help you deal with them. I am still working on this. Grounding is important when the flashback occurs. You need to get yourself in to the present, to know that what happened is not happening now. I have flashback boxes placed around my home. In each box I have something that is shocking to my taste buds, such as a sour candy, menthol cough drop, strong mint, etc. It also has something that is an unfamiliar testure. Usually something rough that I can pick up and rub my fingers across. Then I have something that is of comfort to me inside. When I feel the flashback coming, I go to the box and use the things I need. Many time it grounds me and brings me back to the present. It may not always work, and I haven't figured that part out yet, but it is worth a try. If you would like to talk hun, PM me. We will figure something out. You can get through this. Have faith.