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Hey everyone its me again...recently at school I tried to act normal and talk to my friends I usually talked to alot and once I said hi to them I literally could not think what to talk about I just got blank then I felt slightly tired and today I just lost some of my friends cause they just made fun of me for being wierd...


The biggest loser ever to live.
I know it must be painful to lose those friends, but maybe they weren't worthy of your friendship if they'd leave you just like that and then make fun of you wouldn't you say? Sounds like they weren't that great anyways. Though I haven't had friends for so long, maybe I wouldn't know much.


Active Member
I think that quite often ppl just try to hard............which comes off as false.......people will pick up on this, and unfortunatly react badly.......my advice is to relax.....just be you man.......if ppl dont like you still....well at least they dont like you...and not ...they dont like the person you are pretending to be....do you see?.
You could be disliked for somebody that you never were!!!........and that is just ..... a waste.
Where we end up then is ....people who dont like the pretend you and we dont become friends and then theres the people who would like you but have never actually meet you....so we dont become friends....you see?
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