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New therapist


Well-Known Member
So my depression has been getting in the way of my job (I work at a preschool, where my energy levels need to basically be through the roof and my mood needs to be stable and healthy). My boss noticed and gave me a few days of “grievance leave” and sent me some resources for affordable treatment in my city.

For the past year and a half I’ve been going to see my therapist once a month two states away because I’ve been seeing her for so long and am hesitant to change and start all over. But she assured me that she will be able to relay important information from my charts to my new therapist which makes me feel better. The idea of starting from scratch was what was keeping me from seeing someone more regularly here.

I’m nervous and scared but also hopeful that maybe I can start feeling better. There’s a lot of things I haven’t tried to tackle in therapy and i think I’m ready to address them, like my eating disorder (been about 10 years on and off without ever getting help for it) and my emetophobia, as well as hopefully having a doctor who isn’t afraid to diagnose me. My other therapist doesn’t like “labels”. But I like them because it helps me learn more about myself and understand myself better.

I’m waiting to hear back from the center and hopefully I’ll be able to get started in a couple weeks.

I’m ready for all this to stop running my life.


🦩 Now a flamingo, not a kiwi 🦩
SF Pro
I just wanted to say good for you for taking this step. And so glad that your boss is being understanding and supportive. My mother was a pre-school teacher so I know how rewarding it is but also know how much energy it takes. Wishing you all the best.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say good for you for taking this step. And so glad that your boss is being understanding and supportive. My mother was a pre-school teacher so I know how rewarding it is but also know how much energy it takes. Wishing you all the best.
Thanks, Kiwi 🥝 I have a consultation appointment on the 26th and then I’ll be paired with a therapist.


☆☆Admin-tastic ☆☆
SF Artist
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Well done agreeing to see a new therapist. It is a scary step to take. I hope that everything goes well for your consultation. Keep us posted on how you are doing with this.

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