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I just woke from a crazy weird dream it was like a episode of the twilight zone or a horror episode of Star Trek not sure where it came from or what it meant if anything but it spooked me a bit as it was so out there


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this one I think I only remembered because I was so close to waking and then woke up I mean I get the dream had something bad happening to me I have been in that mod for a few years in real life

but the rest of it was pure Sci Fi I was so freaked out by it I went to get my meds as it was dark I looked around first to make sure no one else was in the room who might hurt me
I always had the weirdest dreams (and sometimes, scary) a few months ago. Thankfully, It has greatly lessened now, and almost never experience nightmares these days. What I usually do is to try look it up as soon as I wake up. I tend to forget my dreams in a matter of minutes once I am awake lol. Try to search for "The Meaning of Dreams". You can also search about that specific stuff that happened in your dream, and see if it's connected to your feeling, or related to the things that is happening in your life.


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Going the other way for me I never remember them but now this last 2 years I have been remembering more and more I wonder if its because of the depression and sleeping more

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